使用 circlepack 在 ggraph 中分面时隐藏根节点

Hide root node when faceting in ggraph with circlepack

我有 table 个小部件;每个小部件都有唯一的 ID、颜色和类别。我想在 ggraph 中制作此 table 的 circlepack 图表,该图表在类别方面具有层次结构类别 > 颜色 > 小部件 ID:

问题出在根节点上。在此 MWE 中,根节点没有类别,因此它有自己的分面。


# Toy dataset.  Each widget has a unique ID, a fill color, a category, and a
# count.  Most widgets are blue.
widgets.df = data.frame(
  id = seq(1:200),
  fill.hex = sample(c("#0055BF", "#237841", "#81007B"), 200, replace = T,
                    prob = c(0.6, 0.2, 0.2)),
  category = c(rep("a", 100), rep("b", 100)),
  num.widgets = ceiling(rexp(200, 0.3)),
  stringsAsFactors = F

# Edges of the graph.
widget.edges = bind_rows(
  # One edge from each color/category to each related widget.
  widgets.df %>%
    mutate(from = paste(fill.hex, category, sep = ""),
           to = paste(id, fill.hex, category, sep = "")) %>%
    select(from, to) %>%
  # One edge from each category to each related color.
  widgets.df %>%
    mutate(from = category,
           to = paste(fill.hex, category, sep = "")) %>%
    select(from, to) %>%
  # One edge from the root node to each category.
  widgets.df %>%
    mutate(from = "root",
           to = category)

# Vertices of the graph.
widget.vertices = bind_rows(
  # One vertex for each widget.
  widgets.df %>%
    mutate(name = paste(id, fill.hex, category, sep = ""),
           fill.to.plot = fill.hex,
           color.to.plot = "#000000") %>%
    select(name, category, fill.to.plot, color.to.plot, num.widgets) %>%
  # One vertex for each color/category.
  widgets.df %>%
    mutate(name = paste(fill.hex, category, sep = ""),
           fill.to.plot = "#FFFFFF",
           color.to.plot = "#000000",
           num.widgets = 1) %>%
    select(name, category, fill.to.plot, color.to.plot, num.widgets) %>%
  # One vertex for each category.
  widgets.df %>%
    mutate(name = category,
           fill.to.plot = "#FFFFFF",
           color.to.plot = "#000000",
           num.widgets = 1) %>%
    select(name, category, fill.to.plot, color.to.plot, num.widgets) %>%
  # One root vertex.
  data.frame(name = "root",
             category = "",
             fill.to.plot = "#FFFFFF",
             color.to.plot = "#BBBBBB",
             num.widgets = 1,
             stringsAsFactors = F)

# Make the graph.
widget.igraph = graph_from_data_frame(widget.edges, vertices = widget.vertices)
widget.ggraph = ggraph(widget.igraph,
                       layout = "circlepack", weight = "num.widgets") +
  geom_node_circle(aes(fill = fill.to.plot, color = color.to.plot)) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = sort(unique(widget.vertices$fill.to.plot))) +
  scale_color_manual(values = sort(unique(widget.vertices$color.to.plot))) +
  theme_void() +
  guides(fill = F, color = F, size = F) +
  theme(aspect.ratio = 1) +
  facet_nodes(~ category, scales = "free")

如果我完全省略根节点,ggraph 会发出警告,指出该图有多个组件并且只绘制第一个类别。

如果我将根节点分配给第一个类别,第一个类别的图就会缩小(因为整个根节点也被绘制出来,而 scales="free" 会根据需要显示所有其他类别) .

我也试过在geom_node_circleaes中添加filter = !is.na(category),在facet_nodes中添加drop = T,但这似乎没有任何效果.


我愿意使用 ggraph 以外的东西,但我有以下技术限制:

编辑: 另一个包含 Shiny 部分的 MWE:


# Toy dataset.  Each widget has a unique ID, a fill color, a category, and a
# count.  Most widgets are blue.
widgets.df = data.frame(
  id = seq(1:200),
  fill.hex = sample(c("#0055BF", "#237841", "#81007B"), 200, replace = T,
                    prob = c(0.6, 0.2, 0.2)),
  category = c(rep("a", 100), rep("b", 100)),
  num.widgets = ceiling(rexp(200, 0.3)),
  stringsAsFactors = F

# Edges of the graph.
widget.edges = bind_rows(
  # One edge from each color/category to each related widget.
  widgets.df %>%
    mutate(from = paste(fill.hex, category, sep = ""),
           to = paste(id, fill.hex, category, sep = "")) %>%
    select(from, to) %>%
  # One edge from each category to each related color.
  widgets.df %>%
    mutate(from = category,
           to = paste(fill.hex, category, sep = "")) %>%
    select(from, to) %>%
  # One edge from the root node to each category.
  widgets.df %>%
    mutate(from = "root",
           to = category)

# Vertices of the graph.
widget.vertices = bind_rows(
  # One vertex for each widget.
  widgets.df %>%
    mutate(name = paste(id, fill.hex, category, sep = ""),
           fill.to.plot = fill.hex,
           color.to.plot = "#000000") %>%
    select(name, category, fill.to.plot, color.to.plot, num.widgets) %>%
  # One vertex for each color/category.
  widgets.df %>%
    mutate(name = paste(fill.hex, category, sep = ""),
           fill.to.plot = "#FFFFFF",
           color.to.plot = "#000000",
           num.widgets = 1) %>%
    select(name, category, fill.to.plot, color.to.plot, num.widgets) %>%
  # One vertex for each category.
  widgets.df %>%
    mutate(name = category,
           fill.to.plot = "#FFFFFF",
           color.to.plot = "#000000",
           num.widgets = 1) %>%
    select(name, category, fill.to.plot, color.to.plot, num.widgets) %>%
  # One root vertex.
  data.frame(name = "root",
             fill.to.plot = "#FFFFFF",
             color.to.plot = "#BBBBBB",
             num.widgets = 1,
             stringsAsFactors = F)

# UI logic.
ui <- fluidPage(

   # Application title
   titlePanel("Widget Data"),

   # Make sure the cursor has the default shape, even when using tooltips
   tags$head(tags$style(HTML("#widgetPlot { cursor: default; }"))),

   # Main panel for plot.
     # Circle-packing plot.
       style = "position:relative",
         width = "700px",
         height = "400px",
         hover = hoverOpts("widget_plot_hover", delay = 20, delayType = "debounce")


# Server logic.
server <- function(input, output) {

  # Create the graph.
  widget.ggraph = reactive({
    widget.igraph = graph_from_data_frame(widget.edges, vertices = widget.vertices)
    widget.ggraph = ggraph(widget.igraph,
                           layout = "circlepack", weight = "num.widgets") +
      geom_node_circle(aes(fill = fill.to.plot, color = color.to.plot)) +
      scale_fill_manual(values = sort(unique(widget.vertices$fill.to.plot))) +
      scale_color_manual(values = sort(unique(widget.vertices$color.to.plot))) +
      theme_void() +
      guides(fill = F, color = F, size = F) +
      theme(aspect.ratio = 1) +
      facet_nodes(~ category, scales = "free")

  # Render the graph.
  output$widgetPlot = renderPlot({

  # Tooltip for the widget graph.
  # https://gitlab.com/snippets/16220
  output$widgetHover = renderUI({
    # Get the hover options.
    hover = input$widget_plot_hover
    # Find the data point that corresponds to the circle the mouse is hovering
    # over.
    if(!is.null(hover)) {
      point = widget.ggraph()$data %>%
        filter(leaf) %>%
        filter(r >= (((x - hover$x) ^ 2) + ((y - hover$y) ^ 2)) ^ .5)
    } else {
    if(nrow(point) != 1) {
    # Calculate how far from the left and top the center of the circle is, as a
    # percent of the total graph size.
    left_pct = (point$x - hover$domain$left) / (hover$domain$right - hover$domain$left)
    top_pct <- (hover$domain$top - point$y) / (hover$domain$top - hover$domain$bottom)
    # Convert the percents into pixels.
    left_px <- hover$range$left + left_pct * (hover$range$right - hover$range$left)
    top_px <- hover$range$top + top_pct * (hover$range$bottom - hover$range$top)
    # Set the style of the tooltip.
    style = paste0("position:absolute; z-index:100; background-color: rgba(245, 245, 245, 0.85); ",
                   "left:", left_px, "px; top:", top_px, "px;")
    # Create the actual tooltip as a wellPanel.
      style = style,
      p(HTML(paste("Widget id and color:", point$name)))


# Run the application 
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)


gb <- ggplot_build(widget.ggraph)
gb$layout$layout <- gb$layout$layout[-1, ]
gb$layout$layout$COL <- gb$layout$layout$COL - 1


gb$data[[1]] <- within(gb$data[[1]], {
  x[PANEL == 3] <- rescale(x[PANEL == 3], to = range(x[PANEL == 2]))
  x[PANEL == 2] <- rescale(x[PANEL == 2], to = range(x[PANEL == 1]))
  y[PANEL == 3] <- rescale(y[PANEL == 3], to = range(y[PANEL == 2]))
  y[PANEL == 2] <- rescale(y[PANEL == 2], to = range(y[PANEL == 1]))

将面板 3 和面板 2 中的 xy 分别重新调整为面板 2 和面板 1 中的面板。最后,

gb$data[[1]] <- gb$data[[1]][gb$data[[1]]$PANEL %in% 2:3, ]
gb$data[[1]]$PANEL <- factor(as.numeric(as.character(gb$data[[1]]$PANEL)) - 1)



这是另一种方法。使用 ggraph 创建 widget.ggraph,但不要绘制它。相反,拉出 widget.ggraph$data,其中每个圆圈包含 x0y0r。过滤掉根节点并重新缩放,以便每个面的圆圈以 (0, 0) 为中心并处于相同的比例。将其反馈给 ggplot 并用 geom_circle.


此解决方案不是最佳解决方案,因为它涉及两次绘制数据图形,但至少它与 Shiny 工具提示兼容。


# Toy dataset.  Each widget has a unique ID, a fill color, a category, and a
# count.  Most widgets are blue.
widgets.df = data.frame(
  id = seq(1:200),
  fill.hex = sample(c("#0055BF", "#237841", "#81007B"), 200, replace = T,
                    prob = c(0.6, 0.2, 0.2)),
  category = c(rep("a", 100), rep("b", 100)),
  num.widgets = ceiling(rexp(200, 0.3)),
  stringsAsFactors = F

# Edges of the graph.
widget.edges = bind_rows(
  # One edge from each color/category to each related widget.
  widgets.df %>%
    mutate(from = paste(fill.hex, category, sep = ""),
           to = paste(id, fill.hex, category, sep = "")) %>%
    select(from, to) %>%
  # One edge from each category to each related color.
  widgets.df %>%
    mutate(from = category,
           to = paste(fill.hex, category, sep = "")) %>%
    select(from, to) %>%
  # One edge from the root node to each category.
  widgets.df %>%
    mutate(from = "root",
           to = category)

# Vertices of the graph.
widget.vertices = bind_rows(
  # One vertex for each widget.
  widgets.df %>%
    mutate(name = paste(id, fill.hex, category, sep = ""),
           fill.to.plot = fill.hex,
           color.to.plot = "#000000") %>%
    select(name, category, fill.to.plot, color.to.plot, num.widgets) %>%
  # One vertex for each color/category.
  widgets.df %>%
    mutate(name = paste(fill.hex, category, sep = ""),
           fill.to.plot = "#FFFFFF",
           color.to.plot = "#000000",
           num.widgets = 1) %>%
    select(name, category, fill.to.plot, color.to.plot, num.widgets) %>%
  # One vertex for each category.
  widgets.df %>%
    mutate(name = category,
           fill.to.plot = "#FFFFFF",
           color.to.plot = "#000000",
           num.widgets = 1) %>%
    select(name, category, fill.to.plot, color.to.plot, num.widgets) %>%
  # One root vertex.
  data.frame(name = "root",
             fill.to.plot = "#FFFFFF",
             color.to.plot = "#BBBBBB",
             num.widgets = 1,
             stringsAsFactors = F)

# UI logic.
ui <- fluidPage(

   # Application title
   titlePanel("Widget Data"),

   # Make sure the cursor has the default shape, even when using tooltips
   tags$head(tags$style(HTML("#widgetPlot { cursor: default; }"))),

   # Main panel for plot.
     # Circle-packing plot.
       style = "position:relative",
         width = "700px",
         height = "400px",
         hover = hoverOpts("widget_plot_hover", delay = 20, delayType = "debounce")


# Server logic.
server <- function(input, output) {

  # Create the graph.
  widget.graph = reactive({
    # Use ggraph to create the circlepack plot.
    widget.igraph = graph_from_data_frame(widget.edges, vertices = widget.vertices)
    widget.ggraph = ggraph(widget.igraph,
                           layout = "circlepack", weight = "num.widgets") +
    # Pull out x, y, and r for each category.
    facet.centers = widget.ggraph$data %>%
      filter(as.character(name) == as.character(category)) %>%
      mutate(x.center = x, y.center = y, r.center = r) %>%
      dplyr::select(x.center, y.center, r.center, category)
    # Rescale x, y, and r for each non-root so that each category (facet) is
    # centered at (0, 0) and on the same scale.
    faceted.data = widget.ggraph$data %>%
      filter(!is.na(category)) %>%
      group_by(category) %>%
      left_join(facet.centers, by = c("category")) %>%
      mutate(x.faceted = (x - x.center) / r.center,
             y.faceted = (y - y.center) / r.center,
             r.faceted = r / r.center)
    # Feed the rescaled dataset into geom_circle.
    widget.facet.graph = ggplot(faceted.data,
                                aes(x0 = x.faceted,
                                    y0 = y.faceted,
                                    r = r.faceted,
                                    fill = fill.to.plot,
                                    color = color.to.plot)) +
      geom_circle() +
      scale_fill_manual(values = sort(unique(as.character(faceted.data$fill.to.plot)))) +
      scale_color_manual(values = sort(unique(as.character(faceted.data$color.to.plot)))) +
      facet_grid(~ category) +
      coord_equal() +
      guides(fill = F, color = F, size = F) +

  # Render the graph.
  output$widgetPlot = renderPlot({

  # Tooltip for the widget graph.
  # https://gitlab.com/snippets/16220
  output$widgetHover = renderUI({
    # Get the hover options.
    hover = input$widget_plot_hover
    # Find the data point that corresponds to the circle the mouse is hovering
    # over.
    if(!is.null(hover)) {
      point = widget.graph()$data %>%
        filter(leaf) %>%
        filter(r.faceted >= (((x.faceted - hover$x) ^ 2) + ((y.faceted - hover$y) ^ 2)) ^ .5 &
                 as.character(category) ==  hover$panelvar1)
    } else {
    if(nrow(point) != 1) {
    # Calculate how far from the left and top the center of the circle is, as a
    # percent of the total graph size.
    left_pct = (point$x.faceted - hover$domain$left) / (hover$domain$right - hover$domain$left)
    top_pct <- (hover$domain$top - point$y.faceted) / (hover$domain$top - hover$domain$bottom)
    # Convert the percents into pixels.
    left_px <- hover$range$left + left_pct * (hover$range$right - hover$range$left)
    top_px <- hover$range$top + top_pct * (hover$range$bottom - hover$range$top)
    # Set the style of the tooltip.
    style = paste0("position:absolute; z-index:100; background-color: rgba(245, 245, 245, 0.85); ",
                   "left:", left_px, "px; top:", top_px, "px;")
    # Create the actual tooltip as a wellPanel.
      style = style,
      p(HTML(paste("Widget id and color:", point$name)))


# Run the application 
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)