windows 上类似挖掘的功能?

dig-like functionality on windows?

在 windows 系统上,我试图收集一个 DNS 名称的所有 IP 地址并使用每个 IP 地址调用一个工具。我知道如何从 shell 脚本执行此操作 - 但不知道如何从批处理或 powershell 文件执行此操作。

我想将其移植到 windows..

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Get all the IPs for our server instance
# and pass it to "p4 trust" to update the .p4trust file
for address in $(dig +short)
    echo "processing address: $address:1666"
    p4 -p "ssl:$address:1666" trust -y -f || true


  1. 是否有预先安装的 windows dig 等价物,它只会 return DNS 记录的 IP?
  2. 在批处理或 powershell 文件中,如何迭代来自另一个应用程序的多个结果?


Get-Command -Name Resolve-Dns* | 
Format-Table -AutoSize

CommandType Name                   Version Source       
----------- ----                   ------- ------       
Cmdlet      Resolve-DnsName DnsClient     

# Get parameters, examples, full and Online help for a cmdlet or function

(Get-Command -Name Resolve-DnsName).Parameters
Get-help -Name Resolve-DnsName -Examples
Get-help -Name Resolve-DnsName -Full
Get-help -Name Resolve-DnsName -Online

# Get all IPAddresses for the provided DNS name
$env:USERDNSDOMAIN | ForEach{Resolve-DnsName -Name $PSItem}

Name          Type   TTL   Section    IPAddress                                
----          ----   ---   -------    ---------                                
CONTOSO.COM A      600   Answer     192.168....                             
CONTOSO.COM A      600   Answer     10.10... 

    # Get all IP addresses for the provided DNS name
    $DNSIPA = (Resolve-DnsName -Name $PSItem).IPAddress
    # Check if the host is up for a given IPA and port number
    ForEach($IPA in $DNSIPA)
        "Processing $IPA"
        Test-NetConnection -ComputerName $IPA -Port 1666

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