在固定域中找到单个变量函数的 min/max 的算法

Algorithms to find min/max of a single variable function in fixed domain

我正在寻找一种 数值 算法来找到 全局 函数的最小值或最大值 "given interval [a, b]",例如找到函数的最小值和最大值

f(x) = sin(x)

在域 [3*pi/4, 5*pi/4].

我知道如何使用梯度下降或梯度上升找到多变量函数的全局 min/max,但我只能在整个函数域上使用这些算法,例如当我使用 GD 时在函数 sin(x) 上,它给了我 -1 这对于域 [0, 2*pi] 不是 [3*pi/4, 5*pi/4] 是正确的,有什么帮助吗?

到目前为止我已经找到了这个解决方案(python 2.7 中的代码,语言并不重要,我的问题是关于算法的):

import math
import random

# function
def f(x):
    return math.sin(x)

# xmin-xmax interval
xmin = 3.0 * math.pi / 4.0
xmax = 5.0 * math.pi / 4.0

# find ymin-ymax
steps = 10000
ymin = f(xmin)
ymax = ymin

for i in range(steps):
    x = xmin + (xmax - xmin) * float(i) / steps
    y = f(x)
    if y < ymin: ymin = y
    if y > ymax: ymax = y

print ymin
print ymax


感谢@BlackBear,我写了一个程序来做我真正需要的,这个函数使用梯度下降算法搜索区间 [a, b],在每个循环中它从 a 和之间的新随机起点开始b,然后比较值,最后它returns最小值出现的x

double gradientDescentInterval(const char *expression, double a, double b, double ete, double ere, double gamma,
                               unsigned int maxiter, int mode) {
     * Gradient descent is a first-order iterative optimization algorithm for finding the minimum of a function.
     * To find a local minimum of a function using gradient descent, one takes steps proportional to the negative of
     * the gradient (or approximate gradient) of the function at the current point.
     * This function searches minimum on an interval [a, b]
     * expressions  the function expression, it must be a string array like "x^2+1"
     * a            starting point of interval [a, b]
     * b            ending point of interval [a, b]
     * ete          estimated true error
     * ere          estimated relative error
     * gamma        step size (also known as learning rate)
     * maxiter      maximum iteration threshold
     * mode         show process {0: no, 1: yes}

    // fix interval reverse
    if (a > b) {
        double temp = a;
        a = b;
        b = temp;
    } // end of if

    // check error thresholds
    if (ere < 0 || ete < 0) {
        printf("\nError: ete or ere argument is not valid\n");
    } // end of if

    // check mode
    if (mode != 0 && mode != 1) {
        printf("\nError: mode argument is not valid\n");
    } // end of if

    // check maxiter to be more than zero
    if (maxiter <= 0) {
        printf("Error: argument maxiter must be more than zero!\n");
    } // end of maxiter check

    // initializing variables
    unsigned int iter = 0, innerIter = 0;
    // choose an arbitrary result at midpoint between a and b to be updated later
    double coefficient = (b - a), result = a + coefficient / 2;
    double x, past_x, fx, fresult;
    double ete_err, ere_err;
    double fa = function_1_arg(expression, a);
    double fb = function_1_arg(expression, b);

    // set the seed for random number generator

    while (iter < maxiter) {
        // try maxiter times to find minimum in given interval [a, b] and return lowest result
        // update fresult with new result
        fresult = function_1_arg(expression, result);
        // choose a random starting point
        x = a + coefficient * zeroToOneUniformRandom();

        // set inner iter to zero before new loop
        innerIter = 0;
        // go in a loop to find a minimum with random starting point
        while (innerIter < maxiter) {
            // calculate new x by subtracting the derivative of function at x multiplied by gamma from x
            past_x = x;
            x -= firstDerivative_1_arg(expression, x, DX) * gamma;
            fx = function_1_arg(expression, x);

            // calculate errors
            ete_err = fabs(past_x - x);
            ere_err = fabs(ete_err / x);

            if (mode) {
                printf("\nIn this iteration [#%d][#%d], x = %.5e f(x) = %.5e\n"
                       "and estimated true error = %.5e and estimated relative error = %.5e,\n",
                       iter, innerIter, x, fx, ete_err, ere_err);
            } // end if(mode)

            // Termination Criterion
            // if new x goes beyond interval lower than a
            if (x < a) {
                if (mode) {
                    printf("\nIn this iteration the calculated x is less than a : %.5e < %f"
                           "so minimum of the function occurs at a\n",
                           x, a);
                } // end if(mode)

                // if fa is lower than f(result), then a is where the minimum occurs
                if (fa < fresult) {
                    result = a;
                } // end of if
            } // end of if

            // if new x goes beyond interval bigger than b
            if (x > b) {
                if (mode) {
                    printf("\nIn this iteration the calculated x is bigger than b : %.5e > %f"
                           "so minimum of the function occurs at b\n",
                           x, b);
                } // end if(mode)

                // if fb is lower than f(result), then b is where the minimum occurs
                if (fb < fresult) {
                    result = b;
                } // end of if
            } // end of if

            // if calculated error is less than estimated true error threshold
            if (ete != 0 && ete_err < ete) {
                if (mode) {
                    printf("\nIn this iteration the calculated estimated true error is less than the threshold\n"
                           "(estimated true error) %.5e < %.5e (threshold)\n"
                           "so the calculated x is the point on domain that minimum of the function happens\n",
                           ete_err, ete);
                } // end if(mode)

                // if fx is lower than f(result), then x is where the minimum occurs
                if (fx < fresult) {
                    result = x;
                } // end of if
            } // end of estimated true error check

            // if calculated error is less than estimated relative error threshold
            if (ere != 0 && ere_err < ere) {
                if (mode) {
                    printf("\nIn this iteration the calculated estimated real error is less than the threshold\n"
                           "(estimated real error) %.5e < %.5e (threshold)\n"
                           "so the calculated x is the point on domain that minimum of the function happens\n",
                           ere_err, ere);
                } // end if(mode)

                // if fx is lower than f(result), then x is where the minimum occurs
                if (fx < fresult) {
                    result = x;
                } // end of if
            } // end of estimated relative error check
        } // end of inner while loop
    } // end of while loop

    // return result
    return result;

这里有很多功能你可能不熟悉,它们被编码在单独的文件中。你可以在 my Github repository.




您可以通过在退出时动态限制域来加快速度。例如,假设您要在 -10 到 10 之间最大化,并选择 6 作为初始点;你 运行 梯度上升并达到 10。你现在可以从随机初始化中排除间隔 [6,10],因为你知道你最终会达到 10 并停在那里。

但实际上我建议您使用 Bayesian optimization。它相对于梯度 ascent/descent 的优点是:

  1. 不需要渐变
  2. 专为全局优化而设计
  3. 允许设置参数范围
  4. 需要更少的函数评估

最后,必须提醒一句:这个问题无法解决在一般情况下,考虑例如在 x=3.4131242351 处等于 1 且在其他任何地方都等于 0 的函数。但是,实际上,您应该没问题。