如何更改 docx 文件中的字体大小 python

How do I change font size in a docx file python


我希望 "Finance Log" 和 "Created On..." 是 48 岁,"Log Begins:" 是 24 岁。

Tstyle = doc.styles['Normal']
font = Tstyle.font
font.name = "Nunito Sans"
font.size = Pt(48)
Title = doc.add_paragraph()
TRun = Title.add_run("Finance Log")
TRun.bold = True
CurrentDate= datetime.datetime.now()
FormattedDate= CurrentDate.strftime('%d-%m-%Y')
FCreated = Title.add_run("\nFile Created On "+FormattedDate)
Fstyle = doc.styles['Heading 1']
font = Fstyle.font
font.name = "Nunito Sans"
font.size = Pt(24)
FLog = doc.add_paragraph()
FinanceTitle = FLog.add_run("Log Begins:")


我知道 但是我无法解决这个问题

I canot change the font size from one size to another without the entire font size of all the text changing.

那是因为您要更改 style 对象的基本字体大小:

Tstyle = doc.styles['Normal']
font = Tstyle.font  # << this line assigns font = doc.styles['Normal'].font

因此,您使用的不是通用 "font" 属性,而是属于命名样式 "Normal" 的字体。所以:

font.name = "Nunito Sans"
font.size = Pt(48)  # << this line changes the font size of doc.styles['Normal']


TStyle, FStyle = doc.styles['Normal'], doc.styles['Heading 1']
for style in (TStyle, FStyle):
    style.font.name = "Nunito Sans"
TStyle.font.size = Pt(48)
FStyle.font.size = Pt(24)

Title = doc.add_paragraph()
Title.style = TStyle
TRun = Title.add_run("Finance Log")
TRun.bold = True

FCreated = Title.add_run("\nFile Created On {0}".format(datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%d-%m-%y')))

FLog = doc.add_paragraph()
FLog.style = FStyle
FinanceTitle = FLog.add_run("Log Begins:")