检索 Metatags 的问题 - Nutch 2.3 版本

Issue in retrieving Metatags - Nutch 2.3 version

我使用的是Nutch2.3-src版本。我能够抓取网页,但它只获取描述,而不是其他元标记,如 LastModified、Author。

我更新了 Index.metadata 和 metatags.names 属性。但仍然没有运气。仅获取 null 作为值。

<description>Names of the metatags to extract, separated by ','.
  Use '*' to extract all metatags. Prefixes the names with 'meta_' in
  the parse-metadata. For instance, to index description and keywords,
  you need to activate the plugins parse-metadata and index-metadata
  and set the value of the properties 'metatags.names' and
  'index.metadata' to 'description,keywords'.

  Comma-separated list of keys to be taken from the metadata to generate fields.
  Can be used e.g. for 'description' or 'keywords' provided that these values are generated
  by a parser (see parse-metatags plugin), and property 'metatags.names'.

已解决此问题。元标签区分大小写。属性名称在网页和 nutch 中都应该匹配-site.xml.