
Path Finding Application Algorithm

我正在尝试开发一个绘制我办公室地图的应用程序(就像 google 地图这样的应用程序,显示从一个座位到另一个座位的路径)。

据我目前所读,Dijkstra's 或 Back Tracking 等算法可用于解决该问题。但是这些算法需要某种二维矩阵(或它的变体)作为输入。现在从应用程序的管理角度考虑,这个人只有办公室的平面图可以作为应用程序的输入。如何将此平面图转换为这些算法可以作为输入的内容?还是我完全遗漏了什么?



define node: (int x , int y)

define isWall:
//this method is actually used for imageprocessing
//i've forgotten the name of it, so if anyone knows it, pls comment
    input: int rgb
    output: boolean wall

    int red = red(rgb)
    int green = green(rgb)
    int blue = blue(rgb)

    int maxWallVal//comparison value

    return (red + green + blue) / 3 < maxWallVal

define listNeighbours:
    input: node n , int[][] img
    output: list neighbours

    int x = n.x
    int y = n.y

    list tmp

    if x + 1 < img.length
        add(tmp , (x + 1 , y)
    if x > 0
        add(tmp , (x - 1 , y)
    if y + 1 < img[x].length
        add(tmp , (x , y + 1)
    if y > 0
        add(tmp , (x , y - 1)

    for node a in tmp
        int rgb = img[a.x][a.y]
        boolean wall = isWall(rgb)

        if NOT wall
            add(neighbours , a)

    return neighbours

define findPath:
     input: node start , node end , int[][] img
     output: list path

     set visited
     map prevNodes

     queue nodes
     add(nodes , start)

     while NOT isEmpty(nodes)
         node n = remove(0 , nodes)

         if n == end

         add(visited , nodes)

         for node a in listNeighbours(n)//list all neighbour-fields that are no wall
             if contains(visited , a)

             add(queue , a)
             put(n , a)

    node tmp = start
    while tmp != null
    add(path , tmp)
    tmp = get(prevNodes , tmp)

    return path