Android 管理 API 与 EMM 社区

Android Management API with EMM Community

我正在使用 Android Management API 创建 Work Profile。对此的使用限制是每个项目 1000 个设备和每个项目每 100 秒 1000 个查询。我想增加这个限制,我也想探索 DPC Support Library,这不是公开的。

我已经填写了 hereEMM Community form,并且只在 return 收到了确认邮件。上面说我会收到 NDA 并且会邮寄进一步的通信。已经超过 2 周了,但没有收到其他回复或邮件。

library link 我仍然收到此错误

我们很抱歉... ...但您似乎无权访问此地点或内容。如果您认为您应该有权访问此 space,请尝试使用您的帐户菜单注销并重新登录,方法是单击此页面右上角的头像即可访问。如果此问题仍然存在,请通知您的支持代表,我们将进一步解决问题。

谁能帮我解决这个错误,或者有没有其他方法可以访问这个 EMM 社区?

如果您使用 Android 管理 API,则不需要使用 DPC 支持库。

如果您需要将配额增加到默认配额之上,只需加入 EMM 社区并请求取消您的配额。这不需要更改您的实现或使用新库。

但请注意,默认配额(每 100 秒 1,000 台设备和 1,000 个请求)已经相当高,对于大多数部署来说应该绰绰有余。

在所有后续邮件之后,我决定暂时使用 Android Management API 和默认配额。以下是 EMM Community 通过电子邮件收到的关于配额和加入的回复摘要:

Our services is completely free but EMMs need be implement all mandatory features and approved by us upon signing the legal agreements within 180 days for at least one solution set (Work profile, Fully managed device, Dedicated device or MAM) before they can use it on production with customers.

The EMM community resources and support are only for commercial EMM vendors, as they need to implement the mandatory features required for one solution set(requirements typically update every year), failure to integrate a solution set within 180 days or comply with the subsequent requirements update could result in revoke of their API.

For the default usage limits, now the API provides unlimited enterprises with 1000 devices each. We'd suggest to continue using the API without joining the community that we'll be notified when you are reaching 1000 devices for a quota increase as long as you are not providing EMM services to other enterprise customers.

这就是他们对 DPC Support Library 库的评价:

‘DPC Support Library’ is a helper library doesn't apply to Android Management API as it's only used by Play EMM API developers who have to build a custom DPC app.