连接到 Pusher ChatKit [Swift]

Connect to Pusher ChatKit [Swift]

我正在尝试连接到 pusher chatkit;但是,每次我尝试连接时都会收到此响应:

"Making attempt 5 of 6 in 16.0s. Error was: Bad response status code received: 401 with error message: services/chatkit_authorizer/authorization/missing_permission: User does not have access to requested resource"

尝试 6 次后,它会连接,所以我不确定缺少的权限是什么。


 self.chatManagerDelegate = MyChatManagerDelegate()

        chatManager = ChatManager(instanceLocator: Pusher_Chatkit.instanceLocator,
                                  tokenProvider: PCTokenProvider(url: Pusher_Chatkit.tokenProvider),
                                  userID: "user-id")

        chatManager.connect(delegate: chatManagerDelegate!) { currentUser, error in
            guard error == nil else {
                print("Error connecting: \(error!.localizedDescription)")
            print("Successfully connected")

确保您为用户尝试连接的角色启用了 cursors:read:get 权限。您可以使用 dashboard, one of our server SDKs, or the API directly.
