如何以正确的顺序设置 LiveCharts StackedColumns 标签
How to set LiveCharts StackedColumns labels in the correct order
我正在使用 LiveCharts 创建一个 StackedColumns 图表,该图表从 Dictionary 集合中填充,如下所示:
AgvCtlSvcs.AgvErrorHistory[] agvErrorHistory;
AgvError[] agvErrors;
Dictionary<string, int> errorCodes = new Dictionary<string, int>();
Dictionary<string, AgvChartEntry> unsortedAgvCollection = new Dictionary<string, AgvChartEntry>();
Dictionary<string, StackedColumnSeries> stackedColumns = new Dictionary<string, StackedColumnSeries>();
List<string> errors = new List<string>();
List<string> errorsDisplay = new List<string>();
List<string> agvs = new List<string>();
List<string> stations = new List<string>();
foreach (Agv.AgvStatus agv in mw.AgvCtlSvcs.GetAgvStatus())
List<AgvCtlSvcs.AgvErrorHistory> query = (from item in agvErrorHistory where agv.AgvID.ToString() == item.AGV select item).ToList();
// Create a collection containing a record for each AGV and
// for each record store home many errors of each type
// occurred for that specific AGV
foreach (AgvCtlSvcs.AgvErrorHistory item in query)
// Add the record to the colletion for that AGV if not present
if (!unsortedAgvCollection.ContainsKey(item.AGV))
stackedColumns.Add(item.AGV, new StackedColumnSeries { Title = "AGV-" + item.AGV, DataLabels = true });
// add the error to the AGV record
unsortedAgvCollection.Add(item.AGV, new AgvChartEntry { AgvID = item.AGV, Error = new Dictionary<string, int>() });
// set 1 occurrency for that record (initialize it)
unsortedAgvCollection[item.AGV].Error.Add(item.ErrorDesc, 1);
// If this record already stored for that AGV, increment occurrency
if (unsortedAgvCollection[item.AGV].Error.ContainsKey(item.ErrorDesc))
// set 1 occurrency for that record (initialize it)
unsortedAgvCollection[item.AGV].Error.Add(item.ErrorDesc, 1);
// create a record for that error in the errors code collection
if (!errors.Contains(item.ErrorCode))
// create a record for that error in the errors description collection
if (!errorsDisplay.Contains(item.ErrorDesc))
// Initialize the values of the columns to int
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, StackedColumnSeries> item in stackedColumns)
item.Value.Values = new ChartValues<int>();
// clear labels collection
for (int i = AgvChartLabels.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
// for each type of error that occurred check for each AGV in the agvCollection
// if that specific AGV had this error, if so add a column for that error with the
// occurrency value
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, AgvChartEntry> agv in unsortedAgvCollection)
foreach (string error in errorsDisplay)
if (agv.Value.Error.ContainsKey(error))
foreach (var error in errorsDisplay)
if (!AgvChartLabels.Contains(error))
// add to the series collection the columns (AGVs) that contains at least a value (error)
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, StackedColumnSeries> item in stackedColumns)
if (item.Value.Values.Count > 0)
我的问题是 X 轴上的标签与右列不对应。
问题是我没有将 "zero" 值添加到 StackedColumnsSeries,因此所有压缩到图表左侧的值和错误的标签。
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, AgvChartEntry> agv in unsortedAgvCollection)
foreach (string error in errorsDisplay)
if (agv.Value.Error.ContainsKey(error))
//Must add the zero value it the entry does not exist
我正在使用 LiveCharts 创建一个 StackedColumns 图表,该图表从 Dictionary 集合中填充,如下所示:
AgvCtlSvcs.AgvErrorHistory[] agvErrorHistory;
AgvError[] agvErrors;
Dictionary<string, int> errorCodes = new Dictionary<string, int>();
Dictionary<string, AgvChartEntry> unsortedAgvCollection = new Dictionary<string, AgvChartEntry>();
Dictionary<string, StackedColumnSeries> stackedColumns = new Dictionary<string, StackedColumnSeries>();
List<string> errors = new List<string>();
List<string> errorsDisplay = new List<string>();
List<string> agvs = new List<string>();
List<string> stations = new List<string>();
foreach (Agv.AgvStatus agv in mw.AgvCtlSvcs.GetAgvStatus())
List<AgvCtlSvcs.AgvErrorHistory> query = (from item in agvErrorHistory where agv.AgvID.ToString() == item.AGV select item).ToList();
// Create a collection containing a record for each AGV and
// for each record store home many errors of each type
// occurred for that specific AGV
foreach (AgvCtlSvcs.AgvErrorHistory item in query)
// Add the record to the colletion for that AGV if not present
if (!unsortedAgvCollection.ContainsKey(item.AGV))
stackedColumns.Add(item.AGV, new StackedColumnSeries { Title = "AGV-" + item.AGV, DataLabels = true });
// add the error to the AGV record
unsortedAgvCollection.Add(item.AGV, new AgvChartEntry { AgvID = item.AGV, Error = new Dictionary<string, int>() });
// set 1 occurrency for that record (initialize it)
unsortedAgvCollection[item.AGV].Error.Add(item.ErrorDesc, 1);
// If this record already stored for that AGV, increment occurrency
if (unsortedAgvCollection[item.AGV].Error.ContainsKey(item.ErrorDesc))
// set 1 occurrency for that record (initialize it)
unsortedAgvCollection[item.AGV].Error.Add(item.ErrorDesc, 1);
// create a record for that error in the errors code collection
if (!errors.Contains(item.ErrorCode))
// create a record for that error in the errors description collection
if (!errorsDisplay.Contains(item.ErrorDesc))
// Initialize the values of the columns to int
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, StackedColumnSeries> item in stackedColumns)
item.Value.Values = new ChartValues<int>();
// clear labels collection
for (int i = AgvChartLabels.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
// for each type of error that occurred check for each AGV in the agvCollection
// if that specific AGV had this error, if so add a column for that error with the
// occurrency value
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, AgvChartEntry> agv in unsortedAgvCollection)
foreach (string error in errorsDisplay)
if (agv.Value.Error.ContainsKey(error))
foreach (var error in errorsDisplay)
if (!AgvChartLabels.Contains(error))
// add to the series collection the columns (AGVs) that contains at least a value (error)
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, StackedColumnSeries> item in stackedColumns)
if (item.Value.Values.Count > 0)
我的问题是 X 轴上的标签与右列不对应。 如何根据列以正确的顺序设置标签? 我已经尝试了各种解决方案,但我无法弄清楚。 我错过了什么?
问题是我没有将 "zero" 值添加到 StackedColumnsSeries,因此所有压缩到图表左侧的值和错误的标签。
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, AgvChartEntry> agv in unsortedAgvCollection)
foreach (string error in errorsDisplay)
if (agv.Value.Error.ContainsKey(error))
//Must add the zero value it the entry does not exist