使用 activeweb 上传文件的任何例子?

Any example of uploading files using activeweb?

我尝试将一些 csv 文件上传到服务器端并对其进行处理并保存到数据库,有没有关于在 activeweb 中上传文件的示例?

Kitchensink 示例有一个上传演示:https://github.com/javalite/kitchensink

这是可以处理多部分 POST 请求的代码示例:

public class UploadController extends AppController {

    public void index() {}

    public void save() throws IOException {
        List<FormItem> items = multipartFormItems();
        List<String> messages = new ArrayList<String>();

        for (FormItem item : items) {
                messages.add("Found file: " + item.getFileName() + " with size: " + Util.read(item.getInputStream()).length());
                messages.add("Found field: " + item.getFieldName() + " with value: " + item.getStreamAsString());
        flash("messages", messages);

在 Freemarker 方面:

<@form controller="upload" action="save" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    Select a file to upload:<input type="file" name="file">

<input name="book" value="The Great Gatsby" type="text">
    <button>Upload File</button>
