
Piecewise activation function in tensorflow and broadcasting math operation


我正在使用带有 tensorflow 后端的 Keras,我想将激活函数提供给模型的拟合方法。这是函数的数学形式:

Piecewise Formula


def function_1(x):

    cond1 = tf.greater(x , 2.0)
    cond2 = tf.logical_and(tf.less_equal(x, 2.0), tf.greater_equal(x, 0.0))
    cond3 = tf.logical_and(tf.less(x, 0.0), tf.greater_equal(x, -2.0))
    cond4 = tf.less(x, -2.0)

    y = tf.where(cond1, tf.constant(1.0) , tf.where(cond2,
    x - 0.25*tf.square(x), tf.where(cond3, x + 0.25*tf.square(x), 
    tf.where(cond4, tf.constant(-1.0), tf.constant(-1.0)))))

    return y

def function_2(x):

    cond1 = tf.greater(x , 2.0)
    cond2 = tf.logical_and(tf.less_equal(x, 2.0), tf.greater_equal(x, 0.0))
    cond3 = tf.logical_and(tf.less(x, 0.0), tf.greater_equal(x, -2.0))
    cond4 = tf.less(x, -2.0)

    y = tf.case({cond1: lambda x: tf.constant(1.0), cond2: lambda x: x - 
    0.25*tf.square(x), cond3: lambda x: x + 0.25*tf.square(x),
    cond4: lambda x: tf.constant(-1.0)}, exclusive = True)

    return y


InvalidArgumentError:形状必须具有相同的等级,但对于 'dense_22/Select'(op:'Select')输入形状为 0 和 2:[?,5]、[]、[].


您可以尝试使用 lambda 图层,这非常方便地在网络中添加我们的自定义图层或功能。这是一个例子:

dense1 = Dense(dims)(input)   
act1 = Lambda(customFunc, output_shape)(dense1)

def customFunc(x):
    # final output y of shape defined as above in layer
    y = conditioned-output
    return y

这里是 link 更多 info This is another useful ,用例子解释。

问题是,您将形状为 [None, 5](等级 2)的张量与缩放器(等级 0)进行比较,这在 tf.greater or tf.less 中是不可能的。相反,您可以使用支持广播的tf.math...


import tensorflow as tf

x = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[1, 5])

cond1 = tf.cast(tf.math.greater(x, 2.0), tf.float32)
cond2 = tf.cast(tf.math.logical_and(tf.math.less_equal(x, 2.0), tf.math.greater_equal(x, 0.0)), tf.float32)
cond3 = tf.cast(tf.math.logical_and(tf.math.less(x, 0.0), tf.math.greater_equal(x, -2.0)), tf.float32)
cond4 = tf.cast(tf.math.less(x, -2.0), tf.float32)

a = tf.math.multiply(cond1, 1.0)
b = tf.math.multiply(cond2, (x - tf.square(x) / 4))
c = tf.math.multiply(cond3, (x + tf.square(x) / 4))
d = tf.math.multiply(cond4, -1.0)

f = a + b + c + d

with tf.Session() as sess:
    print(sess.run(f, feed_dict={x: [[-1.0, -5, 1.5, -1.5, 5]]}))