如何以编程方式将 SQS 队列订阅到 Go 中的 SNS 主题?
How does one programmatically subscribe an SQS queue to an SNS topic in Go?
这是我尝试过的,使用 aws-sdk-go 的版本 53eb8b070e9a5067829fd029539966181632032a。
// main.go
package main
import (
func main() {
if err := makeTopicAndQueue(); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("aws-sns-sqs: %v", err)
func makeTopicAndQueue() error {
sess, err := session.NewSession(&aws.Config{
HTTPClient: &http.Client{},
Region: aws.String("us-east-2"),
Credentials: nil,
MaxRetries: aws.Int(0),
log.Printf("Creating an SNS topic.")
snsClient := sns.New(sess, &aws.Config{})
topicName := "test-topic"
out, err := snsClient.CreateTopic(&sns.CreateTopicInput{Name: aws.String(topicName)})
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(`creating topic "%s": %v`, topicName, err)
defer snsClient.DeleteTopic(&sns.DeleteTopicInput{TopicArn: out.TopicArn})
log.Printf("Creating an SQS queue.")
sqsClient := sqs.New(sess, &aws.Config{})
subName := "test-subscription"
out2, err := sqsClient.CreateQueue(&sqs.CreateQueueInput{QueueName: aws.String(subName)})
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(`creating subscription queue "%s": %v`, subName, err)
log.Printf("Getting queue ARN.")
out3, err := sqsClient.GetQueueAttributes(&sqs.GetQueueAttributesInput{
QueueUrl: out2.QueueUrl,
AttributeNames: []*string{aws.String("QueueArn")},
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("getting queue ARN for %s: %v", *out2.QueueUrl, err)
qARN := out3.Attributes["QueueArn"]
log.Printf("Subscribing the queue to the topic.")
_, err = snsClient.Subscribe(&sns.SubscribeInput{
TopicArn: out.TopicArn,
Endpoint: qARN,
Protocol: aws.String("sqs"),
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("subscribing: %v", err)
log.Printf("Getting the confirmation token from the queue.")
out4, err := sqsClient.ReceiveMessage(&sqs.ReceiveMessageInput{
QueueUrl: out2.QueueUrl,
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("receiving subscription confirmation message from queue: %v", err)
ms := out4.Messages
var token *string
switch len(ms) {
case 0:
return errors.New("no subscription confirmation message found in queue")
case 1:
m := ms[0]
token = m.Body
return fmt.Errorf("%d messages found in queue, want exactly 1", len(ms))
log.Printf("Using the token to finish subscribing.")
_, err = snsClient.ConfirmSubscription(&sns.ConfirmSubscriptionInput{
TopicArn: out.TopicArn,
Token: token,
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("confirming subscription: %v", err)
sqsClient.DeleteQueue(&sqs.DeleteQueueInput{QueueUrl: out2.QueueUrl})
return nil
[ ~/src/aws-sqs-issue ] go run main.go
2019/01/15 09:31:19 Creating an SNS topic.
2019/01/15 09:31:19 Creating an SQS queue.
2019/01/15 09:31:20 Getting queue ARN.
2019/01/15 09:31:20 Subscribing the queue to the topic.
2019/01/15 09:31:21 Getting the confirmation token from the queue.
2019/01/15 09:31:21 aws-sns-sqs: no subscription confirmation message found in queue
我是不是做错了什么或者这是 SDK 中的错误?
关于这个我不知道还能说些什么。这里有一些额外的措辞,以某种方式获得关于 post 主要是代码消失的警告。最好在此时停止阅读,因为其余的所有内容必然会使阅读变得乏味。我不知道还能继续胡说八道多久来满足这个愚蠢的算法。为什么他们不允许包含大量代码的简单 post?我不知道。呃,好吧。我的桌子上有一个倒置的地鼠。我认为这是故意的。由于可怜的小动物的解剖结构,他做的更多是眼球倒立而不是头倒立。我的办公桌植物在假期里表现不佳。最好给它喝点水。哇,这东西真的需要很多话。好吧,我的目标是取悦。如果我继续下去,我会不会不小心输出一些莎士比亚?嗯,完了,谢谢巴德
For an Amazon SNS topic to be able to send messages to a queue, you must set a policy on the queue that allows the Amazon SNS topic to perform the sqs:SendMessage action. See more
要使用当前版本的 V1 SDK 执行此操作,在创建队列时,您必须手动将策略定义为队列属性,以允许 SNS 主题将消息发送到您的 SQS 队列。
queueARN := fmt.Sprintf("arn:aws:sqs:%s:%s:%s", "us-east-1", "xxx", "my-queue")
topicARN := fmt.Sprintf("arn:aws:sns:%s:%s:%s", "us-east-1", "xxx", "my-topic")
_, err := b.sqs.CreateQueue(&sqs.CreateQueueInput{
QueueName: aws.String("my-queue"),
Attributes: map[string]*string{
"Policy": aws.String(fmt.Sprintf(`{
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "SNSTopicSendMessage",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": "*",
"Action": "SQS:SendMessage",
"Resource": "%s",
"Condition": {
"ArnEquals": {
"aws:SourceArn": "%s"
}`, queueARN, b.eventsTopicARN)),
if err != nil {
return err
这是我尝试过的,使用 aws-sdk-go 的版本 53eb8b070e9a5067829fd029539966181632032a。
// main.go
package main
import (
func main() {
if err := makeTopicAndQueue(); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("aws-sns-sqs: %v", err)
func makeTopicAndQueue() error {
sess, err := session.NewSession(&aws.Config{
HTTPClient: &http.Client{},
Region: aws.String("us-east-2"),
Credentials: nil,
MaxRetries: aws.Int(0),
log.Printf("Creating an SNS topic.")
snsClient := sns.New(sess, &aws.Config{})
topicName := "test-topic"
out, err := snsClient.CreateTopic(&sns.CreateTopicInput{Name: aws.String(topicName)})
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(`creating topic "%s": %v`, topicName, err)
defer snsClient.DeleteTopic(&sns.DeleteTopicInput{TopicArn: out.TopicArn})
log.Printf("Creating an SQS queue.")
sqsClient := sqs.New(sess, &aws.Config{})
subName := "test-subscription"
out2, err := sqsClient.CreateQueue(&sqs.CreateQueueInput{QueueName: aws.String(subName)})
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(`creating subscription queue "%s": %v`, subName, err)
log.Printf("Getting queue ARN.")
out3, err := sqsClient.GetQueueAttributes(&sqs.GetQueueAttributesInput{
QueueUrl: out2.QueueUrl,
AttributeNames: []*string{aws.String("QueueArn")},
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("getting queue ARN for %s: %v", *out2.QueueUrl, err)
qARN := out3.Attributes["QueueArn"]
log.Printf("Subscribing the queue to the topic.")
_, err = snsClient.Subscribe(&sns.SubscribeInput{
TopicArn: out.TopicArn,
Endpoint: qARN,
Protocol: aws.String("sqs"),
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("subscribing: %v", err)
log.Printf("Getting the confirmation token from the queue.")
out4, err := sqsClient.ReceiveMessage(&sqs.ReceiveMessageInput{
QueueUrl: out2.QueueUrl,
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("receiving subscription confirmation message from queue: %v", err)
ms := out4.Messages
var token *string
switch len(ms) {
case 0:
return errors.New("no subscription confirmation message found in queue")
case 1:
m := ms[0]
token = m.Body
return fmt.Errorf("%d messages found in queue, want exactly 1", len(ms))
log.Printf("Using the token to finish subscribing.")
_, err = snsClient.ConfirmSubscription(&sns.ConfirmSubscriptionInput{
TopicArn: out.TopicArn,
Token: token,
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("confirming subscription: %v", err)
sqsClient.DeleteQueue(&sqs.DeleteQueueInput{QueueUrl: out2.QueueUrl})
return nil
[ ~/src/aws-sqs-issue ] go run main.go
2019/01/15 09:31:19 Creating an SNS topic.
2019/01/15 09:31:19 Creating an SQS queue.
2019/01/15 09:31:20 Getting queue ARN.
2019/01/15 09:31:20 Subscribing the queue to the topic.
2019/01/15 09:31:21 Getting the confirmation token from the queue.
2019/01/15 09:31:21 aws-sns-sqs: no subscription confirmation message found in queue
我是不是做错了什么或者这是 SDK 中的错误?
关于这个我不知道还能说些什么。这里有一些额外的措辞,以某种方式获得关于 post 主要是代码消失的警告。最好在此时停止阅读,因为其余的所有内容必然会使阅读变得乏味。我不知道还能继续胡说八道多久来满足这个愚蠢的算法。为什么他们不允许包含大量代码的简单 post?我不知道。呃,好吧。我的桌子上有一个倒置的地鼠。我认为这是故意的。由于可怜的小动物的解剖结构,他做的更多是眼球倒立而不是头倒立。我的办公桌植物在假期里表现不佳。最好给它喝点水。哇,这东西真的需要很多话。好吧,我的目标是取悦。如果我继续下去,我会不会不小心输出一些莎士比亚?嗯,完了,谢谢巴德
For an Amazon SNS topic to be able to send messages to a queue, you must set a policy on the queue that allows the Amazon SNS topic to perform the sqs:SendMessage action. See more
要使用当前版本的 V1 SDK 执行此操作,在创建队列时,您必须手动将策略定义为队列属性,以允许 SNS 主题将消息发送到您的 SQS 队列。
queueARN := fmt.Sprintf("arn:aws:sqs:%s:%s:%s", "us-east-1", "xxx", "my-queue")
topicARN := fmt.Sprintf("arn:aws:sns:%s:%s:%s", "us-east-1", "xxx", "my-topic")
_, err := b.sqs.CreateQueue(&sqs.CreateQueueInput{
QueueName: aws.String("my-queue"),
Attributes: map[string]*string{
"Policy": aws.String(fmt.Sprintf(`{
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "SNSTopicSendMessage",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": "*",
"Action": "SQS:SendMessage",
"Resource": "%s",
"Condition": {
"ArnEquals": {
"aws:SourceArn": "%s"
}`, queueARN, b.eventsTopicARN)),
if err != nil {
return err