Vuetify - 列表菜单激活器可见性切换

Vuetify - List menu activator visibility toggle

我有 3 张卡片,当鼠标悬停在卡片标题上时,它显示一个 arrow_down 图标,我可以点击它,当我将鼠标悬停在 v-card-title 上时,它是一个具有删除功能的下拉菜单显示图标,但在我点击它后,鼠标在 drop-down 菜单上 arrow_down 图标消失了, 如何正确实施?

const cards = [
    title: "Gooey PBJ Brownies",
    author: "John Walibur",
    image: ""
    title: "Crisp Spanish Tortilla Matzo Brei",
    author: "Colman Andrews",
    image: ""
    title: "Grilled Shrimp with Lemon and Garlic",
    author: "Celeste Mills",
    image: ""

new Vue({
  el: "#app",
  data: {
    cards: cards,
    selectedCard: -1
  methods: {
    hoverCard(selectedIndex) {
      this.selectedCard = selectedIndex

    isSelected(cardIndex) {
      return this.selectedCard === cardIndex
    passmsgid(index) {
body {
  background-color: #e1e7e7;
.grey--text.selected {
  color: red !important;
.iconkey {
  display: none;
.iconkey.selected {
  display: block;
  color: blue !important;
<script src=""></script>
<script src="">
<link rel='stylesheet' href=''>
<link rel='stylesheet' href=',300,400,500,700,900|Material+Icons'>

<div id="app">
      <v-container>Hello world</v-container>

      <v-container fluid>
        <v-layout row wrap>
          <v-flex xs12 sm4 md4 lg4 v-for="(card, index) in cards" :key="index">
            <v-card class="ml-3 mt-3">
              <v-img :src="card.image" height="200px">

              <v-card-title primary-title @mouseover="hoverCard(index)" @mouseout="hoverCard(-1)">
                  <div class="headline">{{card.title}}</div>
                  <span class="grey--text" :class="{'selected': isSelected(index)}">{{}} - 
                    <v-menu bottom transition="scale-transition" nudge-bottom="40">
                      <v-btn icon slot="activator" styole="margin-bottom: -1em;">
                        <v-icon class="iconkey" :class="{'selected': isSelected(index)}">keyboard_arrow_down</v-icon>
                          <v-list-tile-title @click="passmsgid(index)">Delete</v-list-tile-title>

                <v-btn flat>Share</v-btn>
                <v-btn flat color="purple">Explore</v-btn>



使用更多 CSS 且不使用 v-hover 的更新笔:Codepen

(最初我使用 v-hover 但对于这种情况不需要) Codepen

我们将使用以下 CSS class 来控制可见性:

.hidden {
  visibility: hidden;

a) 我们将鼠标悬停在其父图块上或
b) 打开相应菜单时。



data: () => ({
  menu: false,  // control button-menu state (opened / closed)

我们的模板以 v-hover 组件开头,因此我们可以检测何时将鼠标悬停在它上面并对事件做出反应:

    <v-list-tile slot-scope="{ hover }" @click="">
      // ...
      <v-menu v-model="menu" offset-y left >
        <v-btn slot="activator"
               :class="{hidden: !hover && !menu}"

:class="{hidden: !hover && !menu}" - 我们在按钮上设置 hidden class 当我们没有将鼠标悬停在父图块上并且相应的菜单关闭时。