SVG 以不同颜色制作路径的不同部分

SVG make different sections of the path in different colors

I have been trying to implement the following requirements.
 1. SVG path to have multiple colors on different sections (eg - red color the curves and rest of it, in black color)
 2. Only allow mouse event- click on those colored areas (curves)

I have tried with plain javascript and snap.svg

    Plain html & Javascript
   [Codepen using HTML & Js][1]
   [Codepen using SNAP.svg][2]


How can this be achieved? 

一个解决方案是两次使用该路径:第一次是绿色路径,然后是使用 stroke-dasharray 的路径。破折号仅在曲线上方。如果您不喜欢破折号的位置或长度,请将它们更改为您需要的。间隙对鼠标事件不敏感,只有破折号是。

在 css 中我添加了 #gold:hover{cursor:pointer} 以便您可以看到只有破折号对鼠标敏感。


svg{border:1px solid}
<svg viewBox="-10 50 580 360" width="580" height="360" xmlns="">
    <path id="svg_1" d="m555,272c1,0.76736 4,85.76736 -71,97.76736c-75,12 -387,-39 -388,-39.76736c0,-0.23264 -29,-1.23264 -45,-21.23264l-42,-124.76736c-3,-11.23264 -3,-21.23264 3,-26.23264c6,-5 46,-67 69,-69.76736l474,184z" />
  <rect fill="#fff" id="canvas_background" height="360" width="580" x="-10" y="50"/>
  <title>Layer 1</title>
<use xlink:href="#svg_1" stroke="green"  />   
<use xlink:href="#svg_1" stroke="gold" stroke-dasharray ="130 370 110 60 90 40 90 400 52.45" id="gold" pointer-events="stroke" />
