TcpOutboundGateway:无法关联响应 - 没有缓存的待处理回复

TcpOutboundGateway : Cannot correlate response - no pending reply for Cached

我使用 spring 集成连接到 tcp/ip 套接字服务器,我基于 telnet-mock 创建了模拟服务器。我可以发送和接收消息,但是当我关闭模拟服务器时,在主应用程序中发生循环错误并占用所有 CPU 时间:

ERROR 13942 --- [pool-4-thread-1] o.s.i.ip.tcp.TcpOutboundGateway : Cannot correlate response - no pending reply for Cached:localhost:3002:46550:f6234e17-c486-4506-82c8-a757a08ba73d.

我该如何解决这个问题?我的配置 class:

public class StpClientConfiguration {

private static final String REQUEST_CHANNEL = "toStp";
private static final String OUTPUT_CHANNEL = "resultToMap";
private static final String CRLF = "\0";

private final ApplicationProperties applicationProperties;
private final ApplicationContext context;

private static String readUntil(InputStream inputStream, String stopWord) throws IOException {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    BufferedReader buffer = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream));
    int r;
    while ((r = != -1) {
        char c = (char) r;
        if (sb.toString().endsWith(stopWord)) {
    return sb.toString();

public CachingClientConnectionFactory connectionFactory() {
    TcpNetClientConnectionFactory factory = new TcpNetClientConnectionFactory(
            applicationProperties.getHost(), applicationProperties.getPort());

    factory.setTcpSocketSupport(new DefaultTcpSocketSupport());
    factory.setDeserializer((InputStream inputStream) -> readUntil(inputStream, CRLF));

    return new CachingClientConnectionFactory(factory, applicationProperties.getPoolSize());

 * Creates the tcp gateway for service activation.
 * @return the message handler
@ServiceActivator(inputChannel = REQUEST_CHANNEL)
public MessageHandler outboundGateway() {
    TcpOutboundGateway gateway = new TcpOutboundGateway();

    return gateway;

@MessagingGateway(defaultRequestChannel = REQUEST_CHANNEL)
public interface RequestGateway {

    Map<String, String> send(String message);

@Transformer(inputChannel = OUTPUT_CHANNEL)
public ObjectToMapTransformer objectToMapTransformer() {
    return new ObjectToMapTransformer();


你的解串器看起来很可疑; telnet 消息以 \r\n 结束,而不是 \0.

使用默认的 telnet 解串器(默认是 ByteArrayCrLfSerializer)。

当反序列化器检测到流的正常结束 (-1) 时,在消息之间,它必须抛出一个 SoftEndOfStreamException 来告诉框架套接字已关闭。您的代码不断返回零长度字符串,

 * Used to communicate that a stream has closed, but between logical
 * messages.
public class SoftEndOfStreamException extends IOException {
