如何在 matplotlib 和 seaborn 中为不同图表中的相同索引设置相同的颜色
How to set same colors for same indexes in different charts in matplotlib and seaborn
我正在尝试在两个地块上绘制 pandas 数据框。一个带有 matplotlib pyplot 的饼图,另一个带有 seaborn 条形图。在每个图表上,我对数据框进行了排序,但基于不同的列。此外,每个图表都代表数据框排序所依据的相应值。因此,两个图表中的行顺序不同。这样,数据框中的相同索引(或类别)在图表上以不同的颜色出现,这令人困惑。我该如何解决这个问题,以便在不同的图表上使用相同颜色的索引?
df = pd.DataFrame({"Total":totals,"Infected": infected},
index=category).sort_values("Total", ascending=False)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=2, nrows=1,figsize=(20,8))
#creating a pie chart with conditional explode option
threshold = new_train.shape[0]*threshold
if explode==-1:
autopct='%1.1f%%',shadow=False, startangle=rotation,
textprops={'fontsize': 15})
autopct='%1.1f%%',shadow=False, startangle=rotation,
textprops={'fontsize': 15}, explode=explode)
#created a sorted bar chart
newdf = df[df["Total"]>threshold]
newdf.sort_values("Infected", ascending=False, inplace=True)
ax[1].set_xticklabels(category,rotation=45, horizontalalignment='right')
ax[1].set_title('Infected fractions')
ax[1] = sns.barplot(x=newdf.index, y="Infected",data=newdf,
order=newdf.index)#, orient='h')
例如,1.1.15200.1 在饼图中为蓝色,但在条形图中为橙色。
# a dataframe from a list of lists
el = [['RED', 50, 1],
['GREEN', 30, 2],
['BLUE', 7, 3],
['YELLOW', 3, 4],
['ORANGE', 9, 5],
['BLACK', 1, 6]]
df = pd.DataFrame(el)
# since you are not using the entire dataframe
df_thres = df[df[1] > 1]
# make a fixed length color map manually
c = ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'yellow', 'orange']
clist1 = {i:j for i, j in zip(df_thres[0].values, c)}
# make an arbitrary-length colormap
cm = plt.get_cmap('rainbow')
c = [cm(1.0 * i/len(df_thres)) for i in range(len(df_thres))]
clist2 = {i:j for i, j in zip(df_thres[0].values, c)}
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, figsize=(11, 8))
# manual colors
# PIE PLOT: sort on the third column
newdf = df_thres.sort_values(2, ascending=False)
ax[0, 0].pie(newdf[2], labels=newdf[0], colors=[clist1[i] for i in newdf[0].values])
ax[0, 0].axis('square') # matplotlib 2.x only
# BAR PLOT: sort on the second column
newdf = df_thres.sort_values(1, ascending=False)
ax[0, 1].bar(newdf[0], newdf[1], color=[clist1[i] for i in newdf[0].values])
# arbitrary-length generated colorlist
newdf = df_thres.sort_values(2, ascending=False)
ax[1, 0].pie(newdf[1], labels=newdf[0], colors=[clist2[i] for i in newdf[0].values])
ax[1, 0].axis('square') # matplotlib 2.x only
newdf = df_thres.sort_values(1, ascending=False)
ax[1, 1].bar(newdf[0], newdf[1], color=[clist2[i] for i in newdf[0].values])
这是我得到的输出。下排的颜色不是标注的颜色,但是是一致的。 (另外,请注意,我在这里对两个图都使用了 matplotlib)
我正在尝试在两个地块上绘制 pandas 数据框。一个带有 matplotlib pyplot 的饼图,另一个带有 seaborn 条形图。在每个图表上,我对数据框进行了排序,但基于不同的列。此外,每个图表都代表数据框排序所依据的相应值。因此,两个图表中的行顺序不同。这样,数据框中的相同索引(或类别)在图表上以不同的颜色出现,这令人困惑。我该如何解决这个问题,以便在不同的图表上使用相同颜色的索引?
df = pd.DataFrame({"Total":totals,"Infected": infected},
index=category).sort_values("Total", ascending=False)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=2, nrows=1,figsize=(20,8))
#creating a pie chart with conditional explode option
threshold = new_train.shape[0]*threshold
if explode==-1:
autopct='%1.1f%%',shadow=False, startangle=rotation,
textprops={'fontsize': 15})
autopct='%1.1f%%',shadow=False, startangle=rotation,
textprops={'fontsize': 15}, explode=explode)
#created a sorted bar chart
newdf = df[df["Total"]>threshold]
newdf.sort_values("Infected", ascending=False, inplace=True)
ax[1].set_xticklabels(category,rotation=45, horizontalalignment='right')
ax[1].set_title('Infected fractions')
ax[1] = sns.barplot(x=newdf.index, y="Infected",data=newdf,
order=newdf.index)#, orient='h')
例如,1.1.15200.1 在饼图中为蓝色,但在条形图中为橙色。
# a dataframe from a list of lists
el = [['RED', 50, 1],
['GREEN', 30, 2],
['BLUE', 7, 3],
['YELLOW', 3, 4],
['ORANGE', 9, 5],
['BLACK', 1, 6]]
df = pd.DataFrame(el)
# since you are not using the entire dataframe
df_thres = df[df[1] > 1]
# make a fixed length color map manually
c = ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'yellow', 'orange']
clist1 = {i:j for i, j in zip(df_thres[0].values, c)}
# make an arbitrary-length colormap
cm = plt.get_cmap('rainbow')
c = [cm(1.0 * i/len(df_thres)) for i in range(len(df_thres))]
clist2 = {i:j for i, j in zip(df_thres[0].values, c)}
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, figsize=(11, 8))
# manual colors
# PIE PLOT: sort on the third column
newdf = df_thres.sort_values(2, ascending=False)
ax[0, 0].pie(newdf[2], labels=newdf[0], colors=[clist1[i] for i in newdf[0].values])
ax[0, 0].axis('square') # matplotlib 2.x only
# BAR PLOT: sort on the second column
newdf = df_thres.sort_values(1, ascending=False)
ax[0, 1].bar(newdf[0], newdf[1], color=[clist1[i] for i in newdf[0].values])
# arbitrary-length generated colorlist
newdf = df_thres.sort_values(2, ascending=False)
ax[1, 0].pie(newdf[1], labels=newdf[0], colors=[clist2[i] for i in newdf[0].values])
ax[1, 0].axis('square') # matplotlib 2.x only
newdf = df_thres.sort_values(1, ascending=False)
ax[1, 1].bar(newdf[0], newdf[1], color=[clist2[i] for i in newdf[0].values])
这是我得到的输出。下排的颜色不是标注的颜色,但是是一致的。 (另外,请注意,我在这里对两个图都使用了 matplotlib)