Rubyonrails cloud9 到 bitbucket 到 heroku 更新

Rubyonrails cloud9 to bitbucket to heroku update

在 heroku 上启动后,如何使用 cloud9 bitbucket 编辑我的网页? 我已经在 cloud9 上保存了更改并发布了 git 提交并且在 bitbucket 中。



假设您设置了 bitbucket 存储库并反映了您的生产代码,您通常应该执行以下操作:

git checkout -b new-feature # create repository branch `new-feature` to do more work
... make a bunch of changes and test them ...
git add -A                # add all of your changed files
git commit -am "Meaningful comment"   # comment which goes with your commit describing what you did
git checkout master       # get back to master
git merge new-feature     # ... and merge your changes into it
git push                  # push all of your changes to bitbucket
git push heroku           # deploy to production with Heroku

