如何在 TypeScript 中正确键入 mapOptional 函数?

How to correctly type a mapOptional function in TypeScript?

我有以下函数,它接受一个可选值并将其映射到另一个值,除非它是 nullundefined。我目前对此的解决方案如下所示:

type Return<I, R> = I extends null ? null
                  : I extends undefined ? undefined
                  : R;

 * Maps an optional value to another optional by a callback.
 * @param input - The input value to map.
 * @param callback - The callback to map the value.
 * @returns An optional mapped value.
export function mapOptional<I, R>(input: I, callback: (value: NonNullable<I>) => R): Return<I, R> {
  if (input === null) {
    return null as Return<I, R>;

  if (typeof input === 'undefined') {
    return undefined as Return<I, R>;

  return callback(input!) as Return<I, R>;



现在条件类型与函数的 return 类型有一种奇怪的关系,但在你的情况下,你可以做一些小技巧,让重载具有尽可能广泛的类型,并处理边缘情况围绕已知 nullundefined 传递给函数:

function mapOptional<I = any, R = unknown>(input: null, callback: (value: I) => R): null
function mapOptional<I = any, R = unknown>(input: undefined, callback: (value: I) => R): undefined
function mapOptional<I, R>(input: I, callback: (value: NonNullable<I>) => R)
    : I extends (undefined | null) ? I : R
function mapOptional<I, R>(input: I, callback: (value: I) => R) {
    if (input === null) {
        return null;

    if (input === undefined) {
        return undefined;

    return callback(input);

mapOptional(undefined, x => x.toFixed()) // type is undefined
mapOptional(null, x => x + 5) // type is null
mapOptional(56, x => x + 5).toFixed() // works

declare const optionalNumber: number | undefined

const r = mapOptional(optionalNumber, x => x + 5) // undefined | number
if (r) {