ChronoUnit.MONTHS.between 不遵循半开方法

ChronoUnit.MONTHS.between not following Half-Open approach

我有 2 个 LocalDate,我想找出它们之间的区别:

LocalDate date1 = LocalDate.of(2018,11,30);
LocalDate date2 = LocalDate.of(2019, 5, 1);


long mthsDiff = ChronoUnit.MONTHS.between(date1, date2);


为什么 ChronoUnit.MONTHS.between 不尊重 Half-Open approach?不应该是四月 return 个月 (2019-04-30) 吗? 我错过了什么吗?

我知道第二个参数是排他性的。 以下是我预期的情况:

date1 = 2018-11-16
date2 = 2019-04-15
expect 5

date1 = 2018-11-16
date2 = 2019-04-16
expect 5

date1 = 2018-11-16
date2 = 2019-04-17
expect 6

date1 = 2018-11-16
date2 = 2019-04-15
expect 5

我认为 the documentation 在这里说明了一切:

The calculation returns a whole number, representing the number of complete units between the two temporals. For example, the amount in hours between the times 11:30 and 13:29 will only be one hour as it is one minute short of two hours.

11 月 30 日到 5 月 1 日之间的整月数是 5:

  1. 十二月
  2. 1 月
  3. 二月
  4. 3 月
  5. 4 月

为什么你认为它应该是 6?半开就是说第一天包容,最后一天独享。除去 5 月 1 日什么都不做,整个 4 月都还在这个范围内。加上11月30日还不是整月,所以还是5.

正如文档所说 ChronoUnit.between

The calculation returns a whole number, representing the number of complete units between the two temporals.

// these two lines are equivalent
between = thisUnit.between(start, end);
between = start.until(end, thisUnit);


December -> 1
January  -> 2
February -> 3
March    -> 4
May      -> 5