如何修复 "DeprecationWarning: Collection#filterArray: use Collection#filter"?

How to fix "DeprecationWarning: Collection#filterArray: use Collection#filter"?

我正在设置一个新的 discord 机器人,并想加入一个语音频道。当我写命令 !join 时,终端向我发送这条消息:

DeprecationWarning: Collection#filterArray: use Collection#filter instead.
const commando = require('discord.js-commando');

class JoinChannelCommand extends commando.Command {
  constructor(client) {
    super(client, {
      name: 'join',
      group: 'music',
      memberName: 'join',
      description: 'Joins the voice channel of the commander'

  async run(message, args) {
    if (message.member.voiceChannel) {
      if (!message.guild.voiceConnection) {
          .then(connection => {
            message.reply("Successfully Joined!");
    } else {
      message.reply("You must be in a vocie channel to summon me!");

module.exports = JoinChannelCommand;

GitHub (link) 上有一个未解决的问题,它说这是一个由内部使用已标记为已弃用的 discord.js 方法引起的错误。其中一位开发人员表示他们会在未来的版本中修复该问题,现在请忽略它。