
How to increment element of block after found element?

给定 player-choices: ["rock" 0 "paper" 0 "scissors" 0]

如何通过搜索 "paper" 来增加此块中 "paper" 之后的值?

>> player-choices/("paper"): player-choices/("paper") + 1
== 1


player-choices: ["rock" 0 "paper" 0 "scissors" 0]
rock-pos: find/tail player-choices "rock"
paper-pos: find/tail player-choices "paper"
scissors-pos: find/tail player-choices "scissors"

change paper-pos 1 + paper-pos/1
; == ["rock" 0 "paper" 1 "scissors" 0]


player-choices: [rock 0 paper 0 scissors 0]
player-choices/paper: player-choices/paper + 1

您还可以编写一个通用的 incr 函数,如下所示:

incr: function [
    "Increments a value or series index"
    value [scalar! series! any-word! any-path!] "If value is a word, it will refer to the incremented value"
    /by "Change by this amount"
        amount [scalar!]
    amount: any [amount 1]

    if integer? value [return add value amount]         ;-- This speeds up our most common case by 4.5x
                                                        ;   though we are still 5x slower than just adding 
                                                        ;   1 to an int directly and doing nothing else.

    ; All this just to be smart about incrementing percents.
    ; The question is whether we want to do this, so the default 'incr
    ; call seems arguably nicer. But if we don't do this it is at 
    ; least easy to explain.
    if all [
        integer? amount
        1 = absolute amount
        any [percent? value  percent? attempt [get value]]
    ][amount: to percent! (1% * sign? amount)]          ;-- % * int == float, so we cast.

    case [
        scalar? value [add value amount]
        any [
            any-word? value
            any-path? value                             ;!! Check any-path before series.
            op: either series? get value [:skip][:add]
            set value op get value amount
            :value                                      ;-- Return the word for chaining calls.
        series? value [skip value amount]               ;!! Check series after any-path.


incr 'player-choices/paper

Given player-choices: ["rock" 0 "paper" 0 "scissors" 0] How could I increment the value after "paper" in this block by searching for "paper"?

poke player-choices index? next find player-choices "paper" 1 + select player-choices "paper"


>> ? poke
     POKE series index value

     Replaces the series value at a given index, and returns the new value. 
  1. 系列玩家选择。
  2. 索引是"paper"
  3. 之后值在player-choices中的位置
  4. 该值为纸张加1后的当前值

查找将 return 找到值的系列,或 NONE。

>> find player-choices "paper"
== ["paper" 0 "scissors" 0]    


>> index? next find player-choices "paper"
== 4

Select 将 return 系列的下一个值,如果它找到它之前的值。否则会 return none.

>> select pc "paper"
== 0


>> 1 + select pc "paper"
== 1