GenABEL:植物 GWAS 中缺少性别 "NA"

GenABEL: Missing sex "NA" in plant GWAS

我想在二倍体植物物种中使用 GenABEL 进行 GWAS,但 GenABEL 坚持使用,因为它需要表型文件中的 "sex" 列。男性填写“1”,女性填写“0”。但我正在研究一种植物。我该怎么办?

R 中的错​​误:

impute <-"traits.dat", gen="gen0tped.raw", force=TRUE)

Error in if (length(a) == 1 && !(names(a)[1] == 0 || names(a)[1] == 1)) stop("the column named \"sex\" contains 1 code which is neither 0 (=female) or 1 (=male)") : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed

来自 ? 的详细信息部分:

The first column of the phenotype file MUST contain the subjects' unique ID, named "id"; there should also be a column named "sex" and giving sex information (0 = female, 1 = male). Other columns in the file should contain phenotypic information. Missing values should be coded with "NA"

因此请尝试包括一个 sex 列,每个值都为 NA

另外,联系维护者 (packageDescription("GenABEL", fields = c("Maintainer", "BugReports"))) 解释 GWAS 可以在性别无关的事情上完成。