如何计算接近无穷大或 0 的极限?

How would one calculate a limit as it approaches infinity or 0?


const PI = 3.141592653589793; // Math.PI
function CalculatePi(total = 0, x = 1, addSubBool = false) {
  if (addSubBool) {
    total -= (4 / x)
    console.log(`${total}\tDifference: ${PI - total}`);
  } else {
    total += (4 / x)
    console.log(`${total}\tDifference: ${total - PI}`);
  if (total !== PI) {
    setTimeout(function() {
      CalculatePi(total, x + 2, !addSubBool);
    }, 100);

这是计算圆周率的递归调用。我基于 this link


那么计算器或其他编程语言如何计算 x 接近无穷大时的极限?我会为 x 设置最大值吗?



下面我们使用looprecur来让你的函数无限循环。我没有使用 setTimeout,而是尽可能快地重复,而是为每个 1000 x -


const recur = (...values) =>
  ({ recur, values })
const loop = f =>
{ let acc = f ()
  while (acc && acc.recur === recur)
    acc = f (...acc.values)
  return acc

const calculatePi = (limit = Infinity) =>
  loop // loop our function ...
    ( (total = 0, x = 1, addSubBool = false) =>
      { if (x > limit) // stop condition
          return total
        if (x % 1e3 === 1) // display progress as we go
          console.log(x, total, total - Math.PI)

        if (total === Math.PI) // solution found
          return total
        if (addSubBool)
          return recur // recur with ...
            ( total - 4 / x  // next total
            , x + 2          // next x
            , false          // next addSubBool

          return recur // recur with ...
            ( total + 4 / x  // next total
            , x + 2          // next x
            , true           // next addSubBool


x       total               diff
9997001 3.1415924535297624 -2.0006003076389334e-7
9998001 3.1415924535497695 -2.0004002365681117e-7
9999001 3.141592453569776 -2.0002001699381822e-7

另一种方法将 precision 作为 calculatePi 的输入。我们将继续计算直到达到特定精度,而不是受到一些任意 x 的限制。出于演示目的,此函数还 returns x 因此我们可以看到在达到所需精度之前 x 必须达到多大 -

const calculatePi = (precision = 1e5) =>
    ( (total = 0, x = 1, addSubBool = false) =>
      { if (total * precision >> 0 === Math.PI * precision >> 0)
          return [ total, x ]

        if (addSubBool)
          return recur
            ( total - 4 / x
            , x + 2
            , false

          return recur
            ( total + 4 / x
            , x + 2
            , true


console .log
  ( calculatePi (1e2)
    // [ 3.14999586659347, 239 ]

  , calculatePi (1e3)
    // [ 3.141000236580159, 3377 ]

  , calculatePi (1e4)
    // [ 3.1415000095284658, 21589 ]

  , calculatePi (1e5)
    // [ 3.141599999994786, 272243 ]

  , calculatePi (1e7)
    // [ 3.1415926000000005, 37320609 ]

展开下面的代码片段以在浏览器中验证结果 -

const recur = (...values) =>
  ({ recur, values })
const loop = f =>
{ let acc = f ()
  while (acc && acc.recur === recur)
    acc = f (...acc.values)
  return acc

const calculatePi = (precision = 1e5) =>
    ( (total = 0, x = 1, addSubBool = false) =>
      { if (total * precision >> 0 === Math.PI * precision >> 0)
          return [ total, x ]
        if (addSubBool)
          return recur
            ( total - 4 / x
            , x + 2
            , false

          return recur
            ( total + 4 / x
            , x + 2
            , true
console .log
  ( calculatePi (1e2)
    // [ 3.14999586659347, 239 ]
  , calculatePi (1e3)
    // [ 3.141000236580159, 3377 ]
  , calculatePi (1e4)
    // [ 3.1415000095284658, 21589 ]
  , calculatePi (1e5)
    // [ 3.141599999994786, 272243 ]
  , calculatePi (1e7)
    // [ 3.1415926000000005, 37320609 ]

最后,在计算 pi 时对照 Math.PI 没有多大意义;我想整个目标是计算一个我们假装不知道的数字。为此,我们从一些 guess 开始,然后测量它与 total 之间的差异。如果猜测在指定的公差范围内,return 猜测 -

const calculatePi = (precision = 1e5) =>
    // guess starts at 1
    ( (guess = 1, total = 0, x = 1, addSubBool = false) =>
      { if (Math .abs (guess - total) * precision < 1)
          return [ guess, x ]

        if (addSubBool)
          return recur // recur with ...
            ( total          // next guess
            , total - 4 / x  // next total
            , x + 2          // next x
            , false          // next addSubBool

          return recur // recur with ...
            ( total         // next guess
            , total + 4 / x // next total
            , x + 2         // next x
            , true          // next addSubBool

我们可以看到它按预期工作。诚然,我对输入精度与计算它所需的 x 之间的相关性感到惊讶 -

console .log
  ( calculatePi (1e2)
    // [ 3.136592684838816, 403 ]

  , calculatePi (1e3)
    // [ 3.1410926536210413, 4003 ]

  , calculatePi (1e4)
    // [ 3.1415426535898248, 40003 ]

  , calculatePi (1e5)
    // [ 3.1415876535897618, 400003 ]

  , calculatePi (1e7)
    // [ 3.141592603589817, 40000003 ]

展开下面的代码片段以在浏览器中验证结果 -

const recur = (...values) =>
  ({ recur, values })
const loop = f =>
{ let acc = f ()
  while (acc && acc.recur === recur)
    acc = f (...acc.values)
  return acc

const calculatePi = (precision = 1e5) =>
    // guess starts at 1
    ( (guess = 1, total = 0, x = 1, addSubBool = false) =>
      { if (Math .abs (guess - total) * precision < 1)
          return [ guess, x ]
        if (addSubBool)
          return recur // recur with ...
            ( total          // next guess
            , total - 4 / x  // next total
            , x + 2          // next x
            , false          // next addSubBool

          return recur // recur with ...
            ( total         // next guess
            , total + 4 / x // next total
            , x + 2         // next x
            , true          // next addSubBool
console .log
  ( calculatePi (1e2)
    // [ 3.136592684838816, 403 ]
  , calculatePi (1e3)
    // [ 3.1410926536210413, 4003 ]
  , calculatePi (1e4)
    // [ 3.1415426535898248, 40003 ]
  , calculatePi (1e5)
    // [ 3.1415876535897618, 400003 ]
  , calculatePi (1e7)
    // [ 3.141592603589817, 40000003 ]