Comparator 是 class 还是接口,如果是后者,它如何被实例化?

Is Comparator a class or interface, and, if latter, how come it can be instantiated?

我一直在尝试比较 Java 中的对象,因此比较 ComparableComparator 实体。我一直在阅读 Joshua Bloch 的 Effective Java,第三版。

第 70 页:

In Java 8, the Comparator interface was outfitted with a set of comparator construction methods, which enable fluent construction of comparators.In Java 8, the Comparator interface was outfitted with a set of comparator construction methods, which enable fluent construction of comparators.

第 71 页:

The Comparator class has a full complement of construction methods.


我查阅了 java 规范,其中指出 Comparator 确实是一个接口,我假设这是我的问题的正确答案。那么这只是书中的错误吗?


The static method, named comparing, has two overloadings. One takes a key extractor and uses the keys’ natural order. The second takes both a key extractor and a comparator to be used on the extracted keys. There are three overloadings of the instance method, which is named thenComparing.


  1. 正如您所说,它是一个界面。 API 文档在这方面是规范的,因为它是从代码本身生成的。
  2. 因此将其称为 class 是一个小口误。
  3. 尽管 Java 8,interfaces can have non-abstract instance methods, and that's what's going on with thenComparing()。 (注意 default 关键字。)