在 nopcommerce 4.00 中,@RenderBody() 布局在部分 _Root.Head.cshtml 中调用

From where @RenderBody() layout is calling in partial _Root.Head.cshtml in nopcommerce 4.00

在nopcommerce中,我们当时在_ColumnOne局部视图页面RenderBody()布局中启动项目时,被_Root局部视图页面调用。在 _Root 部分视图页面 RenderBody() 布局被 _Root.Head 部分视图页面调用之后。现在,我的问题是在 _Root.Head 中调用了 @RenderBody 布局?


_ViewStart => _Column1 => _Root => _Root.Head

In _ViewStart.cshtml partial page shows the path of _Column1.cshtml.

In _Column1.cshtml partial display the design between **main_column_before** and **main_column_after** and goes path to _Root.cshtml.

In _Root.cshtml shows the **top** and **footer** design of the website and forward to _Root.Head.cshtml.

In _Root.Head.cshtml shows the **middle layout** of the website.