Jupyter (IPython) notebook 中的交互式绘图,带有可拖动点,拖动时调用 Python 代码

Interactive plots in Jupyter (IPython) notebook with draggable points that call Python code when dragged

我想在 Jupyter notebook 中制作一些交互式绘图,其中绘图中的某些点可以由用户拖动。然后,这些点的位置应该用作 Python 函数(在笔记本中)更新绘图的输入。



但回调是 Javascript 函数。在某些情况下,更新情节的代码需要非常复杂,并且需要很长时间才能在 Javascript 中重写。如有必要,我愿意在 Javascript 中指定可拖动点,但是是否可以回调 Python 来更新情节?

我想知道像 Bokeh 或 Plotly 这样的工具是否可以提供此功能。

tl;dr - Here's a link to the gist showing update-on-drag.


  • 如何与 Jupyter Javascript 的 IPython 内核交互 前端。现在是通过 Jupyter.Kernel.execute (current 源代码 ).
  • d3.js舒服了。 (喜欢用屏幕绘制坐标转换。)
  • 您选择的 d3-via-Python 库。 mpld3 对于此示例。

mpld3 有其 own plugin for draggable points and capability for a custom mpld3 plugin. But right now there is no feature to redraw the plot on update of data;维护者说现在最好的方法是在更新时删除并重新绘制整个图,或者真正深入到 javascript.

Ipywidgets 是,就像你说的(据我所知),一种在使用 IPython 内核,所以不是你想要的。但比我提议的要容易一千倍。 ipywidgets github repo 的 README links to the correct IPython notebook to start with 在他们的示例套件中。

关于 Jupyter notebook 与 IPython 内核直接交互的最佳博客 post 来自 Jake Vanderplas in 2013. It's for IPython<=2.0 and commenters as recent as a few months ago (August 2015) posted updates for IPython 2 and IPython 3,但代码不适用于我的 Jupyter 4 notebook。 问题似乎是 javascript API for the Jupyter kernel 在不断变化。

我在要点中更新了 mpld3 dragging example 和 Jake Vanderplas 的示例(link 位于此回复的顶部)以提供尽可能简短的示例,因为这已经很长了,但是下面的片段试图更简洁地传达这个想法。


Python 回调可以有任意多的参数,甚至可以是原始代码。内核将通过 eval 语句 运行 它并发回最后的 return 值。输出,无论是什么类型,都将作为字符串 (text/plain) 传递给 javascript 回调。

def python_callback(arg):
    """The entire expression is evaluated like eval(string)."""
    return arg + 42


Javascript 回调应该有一个参数,即 Javascript Object 遵循结构 documented here.

javascriptCallback = function(out) {
  // Error checking omitted for brevity.
  output = out.content.user_expressions.out1;
  res = output.data["text/plain"];
  newValue = JSON.parse(res);  // If necessary
  // Use newValue to do something now.

使用函数 Jupyter.notebook.kernel.execute 从 Jupyter 调用 IPython 内核。发送到的内容 内核是 documented here.

var kernel = Jupyter.notebook.kernel;
var callbacks = {shell: {reply: javascriptCallback }};
  "print('only the success/fail status of this code is reported')",
    {out1: "python_callback(" + 10 + ")"}  // function call as a string

mpld3 插件中的 Javscript

修改 mpld3 库的插件以添加一个独特的 class HTML 个要更新的元素,以便我们可以在 未来。

import matplotlib as mpl
import mpld3

class DragPlugin(mpld3.plugins.PluginBase):
    JAVASCRIPT = r"""
    // Beginning content unchanged, and removed for brevity.

    DragPlugin.prototype.draw = function(){
        var obj = mpld3.get_element(this.props.id);

        var drag = d3.behavior.drag()
            .origin(function(d) { return {x:obj.ax.x(d[0]),
                                          y:obj.ax.y(d[1])}; })
            .on("dragstart", dragstarted)
            .on("drag", dragged)
            .on("dragend", dragended);

        // Additional content unchanged, and removed for brevity

           .style("cursor", "default")
           .attr("name", "redrawable")  // DIFFERENT

        // Also modify the 'dragstarted' function to store
        // the starting position, and the 'dragended' function
        // to initiate the exchange with the IPython kernel
        // that will update the plot.

    def __init__(self, points):
        if isinstance(points, mpl.lines.Line2D):
            suffix = "pts"
            suffix = None

    self.dict_ = {"type": "drag",
                  "id": mpld3.utils.get_id(points, suffix)}

你试过bqplot? The Scatter has an enable_move parameter, that when you set to True they allow points to be dragged. Furthermore, when you drag you can observe a change in the x or y value of the Scatter or Label and trigger a python function through that, which in turn generates a new plot. They do this in the Introduction笔记本了吗

Jupyter 笔记本代码:

# Let's begin by importing some libraries we'll need
import numpy as np
from __future__ import print_function # So that this notebook becomes both Python 2 and Python 3 compatible

# And creating some random data
size = 10
x_data = np.arange(size)
y_data = np.cumsum(np.random.randn(size)  * 100.0)

from bqplot import pyplot as plt

# Creating a new Figure and setting it's title
plt.figure(title='My Second Chart')
# Let's assign the scatter plot to a variable
scatter_plot = plt.scatter(x_data, y_data)

# Let's show the plot

# then enable modification and attach a callback function:

def foo(change):
    print('This is a trait change. Foo was called by the fact that we moved the Scatter')
    print('In fact, the Scatter plot sent us all the new data: ')
    print('To access the data, try modifying the function and printing the data variable')
    global pdata 
    pdata = [scatter_plot.x,scatter_plot.y]

# First, we hook up our function `foo` to the colors attribute (or Trait) of the scatter plot
scatter_plot.observe(foo, ['y','x'])

scatter_plot.enable_move = True