可存储 CLOB 和 NCLOB 类型的最大字符数据

Max character data which can store CLOB and NCLOB type


The LOB datatypes for character data are CLOB and NCLOB. They can store up to 8 terabytes of character data (CLOB) or national character set data (NCLOB).


The CLOB and NCLOB datatypes store up to 128 terabytes of character data in the database. CLOBs store database character set data, and NCLOBs store Unicode national character set data.`


区别在于您可以定义具有不同 "chunk" 大小的 LOB。此外,它们的最大大小受用于它们的数据库块数量的限制。如果您创建具有更大块大小的数据库(或表空间),这意味着 LOB 可以包含更多数据。

From the manual:

CLOB objects can store up to (4 gigabytes -1) * (the value of the CHUNK parameter of LOB storage) of character data


If the tablespaces in your database are of standard block size, and if you have used the default value of the CHUNK parameter of LOB storage when creating a LOB column, then this is equivalent to (4 gigabytes - 1) * (database block size).