Chocolatey 无法在 Azure Pipeline 上安装 Inno Setup

Chocolatey fails to install Inno Setup on Azure Pipeline

我正在尝试在 Azure Devops 上的内置 VS2017 代理上为我的构建管道之一安装 Inno Setup 5,但我在标准输出中得到以下两行,但它退出时代码为 1 和日志文件中没有任何内容。我的问题:


    innosetup not installed. An error occurred during installation:
    The process cannot access the file '...\.chocolateyPending' because it is being used by another process.

这是我在 Azure Devops 上的构建管道:

我的安装程序脚本是用 javascript 编写的,并在安装依赖项后通过 npm 脚本执行

const utils = require('./utils');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const spawn = require('child_process').spawn;

const command = 'cmd /c choco install innosetup --yes --force --no-progress -ia \'/VERYSILENT\'';
const logDirectory = path.join( 'C:', 'ProgramData', 'chocolatey', 'logs' );

function install() {
  return new Promise( resolve => {

    const cmd = command.split(' ').filter( ( x, i ) => i === 0 ).join('');
    const args = command.split(' ').filter( ( x, i ) => i !== 0 );

    var sqlcmd = spawn( cmd, args );
    sqlcmd.stdout.on( 'data', data => {
      console.log( data.toString().replace( /\r\n$/gmi, '' ) );
    } )
    sqlcmd.stderr.on( 'data', data => {
      console.error( 'error', data.toString() );
      process.exit( 1 );
    } )
    sqlcmd.on( 'exit', code => {
      resolve( code );
    } )


( async () => {

  utils.header( 'installing Inno Setup' );
  const installExitCode = await install();

  utils.header( 'Log directory:', logDirectory );
  console.log( '  *', fs.readdirSync( logDirectory ).join( '\r\n  * ' ) );
  utils.header( 'chocolatey.log' );
  fs.createReadStream( path.join( logDirectory, 'chocolatey.log' ) ).pipe( process.stdout );
  utils.header( 'choco.summary.log' );
  fs.createReadStream( path.join( logDirectory, 'choco.summary.log' ) ).pipe( process.stdout );

  if ( installExitCode !== 0 ) {
    console.log( 'installer exited with error code:', installExitCode );
    process.exit( installExitCode );


这是我从失败的 Azure Devops 构建中获得的标准输出:

2019-01-22T18:34:19.0336866Z ########################################
2019-01-22T18:34:19.0337191Z   installing Inno Setup
2019-01-22T18:34:19.0337513Z Chocolatey v0.10.11
2019-01-22T18:34:19.0337798Z Installing the following packages:
2019-01-22T18:34:19.0338258Z innosetup
2019-01-22T18:34:19.0338554Z By installing you accept licenses for the packages.
2019-01-22T18:34:19.0338856Z InnoSetup v5.6.1 (forced) [Approved]
2019-01-22T18:34:19.0339051Z innosetup package files install completed. Performing other installation steps.
2019-01-22T18:34:19.0339266Z innosetup not installed. An error occurred during installation:
2019-01-22T18:34:19.0339462Z  Item has already been added. Key in dictionary: 'NPM_CONFIG_CACHE'  Key being added: 'npm_config_cache'
2019-01-22T18:34:19.0339703Z The process cannot access the file 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\InnoSetup\.chocolateyPending' because it is being used by another process.
2019-01-22T18:34:19.0340054Z ########################################
2019-01-22T18:34:19.0340364Z   Log directory: C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\logs
2019-01-22T18:34:19.0340775Z   * choco.summary.log
2019-01-22T18:34:19.0342937Z   * chocolatey.log
2019-01-22T18:34:19.0343282Z ########################################
2019-01-22T18:34:19.0343598Z   chocolatey.log
2019-01-22T18:34:19.0344255Z ########################################
2019-01-22T18:34:19.0344582Z   choco.summary.log
2019-01-22T18:34:19.0344902Z installer exited with error code: 1


Does Inno Support being installed in this way?

是的,innosetup 确实支持以这种方式安装。您可以在包页面 here 上看到它。页面顶部的绿色灯泡表示此软件包版本已通过 Chocolatey 拥有的自动化流程正确安装,验证软件包是否已正确安装。

Does chocolatey require being run on machine with a logged in GUI?

不,在大多数情况下这不是必需的。有些 Chocolatey 包不会静默安装,用于安装这些 "may" 的机制要求在实际用户进程中安装 运行,但大多数包不需要这个.

What am I doing wrong?

我怀疑 "something" 在通过 npm 运行 并安装在 Promise 中时无法正常工作。查看日志,好像有这个条目:

2019-01-22T18:34:19.0339462Z Item has already been added. Key in dictionary: 'NPM_CONFIG_CACHE' Key being added: 'npm_config_cache'

在 Chocolatey 日志的中间,这对我来说没有意义。

我最好的建议是在此 extension 上使用独立的 Chocolatey Task(注意: 完全披露,我是此扩展的作者),或者,尝试在 npm 之外进行安装,可能直接使用 PowerShell 任务。