设计程序以便 Angular 不会在每次将更新推送到商店时重新呈现 MediaStream 组件?

Architecting program so that Angular does not re-render the MediaStream component every time an update is pushed to the store?

我创建的示例 Angular 应用程序演示了我遇到的问题,可以找到此应用程序 here

基本上我有两个存储,我正在使用状态管理库Akita for these stores. Both are Entity Stores,第一个存储是所有消息,它有一个像这样的签名:

interface MessageInterface {
 // Unique identifier
 id: ID;
 // The time is was created
 time: number;
 // The actual string message
 value: string;


interface ConnectionInterface {
  // Unique identifier
  id: ID;
  // The MediaStream (webcam stream object)
  stream: MediaStream;
  // An array of unique ids where each id relates to an id in the MessageStore
  messages: ID[] | MessageInterface[]


  1. 使用 getUserMedia 启动网络摄像头流。
  2. 然后将生成的流保存到 ConnectionStore。
  3. 然后它开始每秒创建 1 条消息,在创建每条消息后,它将消息保存到 MessageStore 中,然后通过将创建的消息的索引添加到消息的开头将该消息关联到 ConnectionStore ConnectionStore 实体上的数组。



entities: {
  3ea9454682: {id: "3ea9454682", time: 1548117443764, value: "CIAO"}
  4a66b34aad: {id: "4a66b34aad", time: 1548117444765, value: "SALAAM"}
  4e165d4887: {id: "4e165d4887", time: 1548117445767, value: "SALAAM"}
  4eb22b42a6: {id: "4eb22b42a6", time: 1548117441763, value: "BONJOUR"}
  5cbc594983: {id: "5cbc594983", time: 1548117447771, value: "HELLO"}
  6c574e44a8: {id: "6c574e44a8", time: 1548117446770, value: "NAMASTE"}
  bfdcc344aa: {id: "bfdcc344aa", time: 1548117448771, value: "NAMASTE"}
  c7c55d45a7: {id: "c7c55d45a7", time: 1548117440762, value: "NAMASTE"}
  cc86a045af: {id: "cc86a045af", time: 1548117442764, value: "HOLA"}
  fd2cf744ab: {id: "fd2cf744ab", time: 1548117439760, value: "CIAO"}


entities: {
  fda7464bbe: {
     id: "fda7464bbe",
     mediaStream: {
       active: true
       id: "bQO4NI86L7pEHNzEwEK9dVht5wtHf5s81TfV"
       onactive: null
       onaddtrack: null
       oninactive: null
       onremovetrack: null
     messages: [


您可以通过在 ngFor:

中使用 trackBy 来解决问题
<li *ngFor="let connection of connections | async; trackBy: trackByFunction">

在您的打字稿中像这样声明 trackByFunction:

trackByFunction(index, item) {
  return index;

这有助于 Angular 跟踪在列表中添加或删除了哪些项目,并仅重新呈现已更改的项目。

我必须将以下内容添加到您的 polyfills.ts 文件中才能编译:

import 'core-js/es7/reflect';
