R : stat_smooth 组(x 轴)

R : stat_smooth groups (x axis)


我可以展示 avg_time 与 Scored_Probabilities 的对比图,它看起来像这样:

c <- ggplot(dataset1, aes(x=Avg.time, y=Scored.Probabilities))
c + stat_smooth()


c <- ggplot(dataset1, aes(x=Age, y=Scored.Probabilities))
c + stat_smooth()
error: geom_smooth: Only one unique x value each group. Maybe you want aes(group = 1)?


错误消息说要设置 group=1,这样做会产生另一个错误

ggplot(dataset1, aes(x=Age, y=Scored.Probabilities, group=1))+stat_smooth()
geom_smooth: method="auto" and size of largest group is >=1000, so using gam with formula: y ~ s(x, bs = "cs"). Use 'method = x' to change the smoothing method.
Error in smooth.construct.cr.smooth.spec(object, data, knots) : 
  x has insufficient unique values to support 10 knots: reduce k.

现在唯一 x 个值的数量不够。

所以有两个解决方案:i) 使用另一个函数,如 mean,ii) 使用抖动稍微移动 Age。

ggplot(dataset1, aes(x=Age, y=Scored.Probabilities, group=1))+
stat_summary(fun.y=mean, colour="red", geom="line", size = 3) # draw a mean line in the data

ggplot(dataset1, aes(x=jitter(as.numeric(as.character(Age))), y=Scored.Probabilities, group=1))+

请注意 as.numeric 的使用,因为 Age 是一个因数。