如何仅在 spring-transactions 交易成功时发送电子邮件

How to SendEmail only if transaction is success with spring-transactions

我想在数据库中创建一个用户,并使用 AWS SES 向这个案例的用户发送电子邮件。

  1. 如果用户在数据库中成功提交事务 => 发送电子邮件
  2. 如果发送电子邮件 AWS SES 失败(检查异常)=> 回滚数据库中的用户创建
  3. 如果用户在数据库中提交事务失败 => 不要使用 AWS 向用户发送电子邮件

我的代码有问题:如果我的 sendEmail 方法抛出异常,则会提交事务。


class EmailServiceImpl {   

    @Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class)
    public User createUserAndSendEmail(UserDto userDto) throws UserEmailException {
        try {
            //rollback userCreation if sendEmail throw a checkedException
            User user = userService.create(userDto);
            return user;

        } catch (Exception exception) {
            throw new UserEmailException(exception.getMessage());

    //don't send email if userCommit in database failed
    private void sendEmail(User user) {

class UserServiceImpl {    

   @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)
   public User create(UserDto userDto) throws Exception {
       User user = mapp(userDto);
       return userRepository.save(user);

要在 TX 提交后执行某些操作,您可以使用 @TransactionalEventListenerTransactionPhase.AFTER_COMMIT(默认设置)。把你想做的动作放在 TransactionalEventListener :

使用 ApplicationEventPublisher 发布 UserCreatedEvent :

public class EmailServiceImpl {   

    private ApplicationEventPublisher applicationEventPublisher;

    @Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class)
    public User createUserAndSendEmail(UserDto userDto) throws UserEmailException {
        try {
            User user = userService.create(userDto);

            //Publish UserCreatedEvent such the UserCreatedEventHandler can handled it after TX commit
            applicationContext.publishEvent(new UserCreatedEvent(user));

            return user;
        } catch (Exception exception) {
            throw new UserEmailException(exception.getMessage());

并且 UserCreatedEvent 将在 TX 提交后由此处理程序处理:

public class UserCreatedEventHandler {

    @TransactionalEventListener(phase = TransactionPhase.AFTER_COMMIT)
    public void handle(UserCreatedEvent event) {    
            System.out.println("Good, can send email.");
        }catch(Exception exception){
            System.out.println("Sad, fail to send email , so remove user from DB...");

Deinum 抓得好。如果您使用我的建议,则必须将 userService.create() 更改为 @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES)