嵌套承诺 - 使用 Dexie 的 IndexedDB 事务

Nested promises - IndexedDB transactions using Dexie


        var collection=db.items.where("name").equals(checkbox.val());
        var success;
             var invokePromise;
                //invokePromise = a fucntion that returns a promise 
                //this invokepromise function needs the item from the db.

                    item.date=new Date();
                    item.attempts= item.attempts+1; <-- this is not being updated.
                    delete this.value; <-- this is also not deleted


Collection.modify() 的回调必须同步更新项目。您还可以使用 anyOf() 而不是 equasls 来优化查询。下面是另一个策略的示例:

function yourAction () {
  const checkedValues = $('input[type=checkbox][name=checklist]:checked')
    .toArray() // Convert to a standard array of elements
    .map(checkBox => checkBox.value); // Convert to an array of checked values

  return invokePromise.then(thirdPartyResponse => {
    return db.items.where("name").anyOf(checkedValues).modify(item => {
      item.date = new Date();
    }).catch(error => {
      console.error("Failed to update indexedDB");
      throw error;
  }).catch(error => {
    // Handle an errors from invokePromise
    // If an error occurs, delete the values. Was this your intent?
    console.error("Error occurred. Now deleting values instead", error);
    return db.items.where("name").anyOf(checkedValues).delete();

正在考虑 @David Fahlander answer that Collection.modify() must synchronously update the item, you should collect the async responses first and after alter the database. You can use Promise.all() 异步收集来自 invokePromise 的响应,然后一次性修改数据库。


 (async function() {
   const entries = await db.items

   for(const entry of entries) {
     await invokePromise;
     await db.items.put(entry);

您可能希望将整个事情与 entries.mapPromise.all 以及 Table.putAll 并行化。