如何添加超链接,如条款和条件 Xtemplate?

How to Add An Hyperlink Like Terms and Conditions Xtemplate?

   xtype : 'label',     
   cls : 'termsandconditions',              
   html : ['<div>You are agreeing to our <a href="#" onclick="window.open("http://www.google.com", "_system");"> Terms and Conditions'] 


没有正确的方法来做到这一点,但使用 componentautoEl 属性 似乎是最简单的方法。我这样使用它:

    xtype  : 'component',
    type   : 'button',
    style  : {
        fontSize : '0.8em'
    autoEl : {
        tag  : 'a',
        href : '#',
        html : 'Legal Notice'
    listeners: {
        click: {
            element: 'el',
            fn: function(e)
                window.open('/path/to/document', '_blank');



xtype: 'component',

cls: 'termsandconditions',

tpl: [
    'You are agreeing to our ',
    '<a onclick="{termsLink}"> ',
    'Terms and Conditions',
data: {
    termsLink: "window.open('http://www.google.com','_system');",                
