php date_diff 如何只加那几天的小时数

php date_diff how to add up only that days hours

我正在做一个程序,你插入 excel 文件,然后你选择人,然后从 excel 中显示这个人什么时候上班,什么时候出去。但是现在我需要把同一天的所有小时加起来。 例如,这个人在工作中待了 2 个小时,然后他离开了,过了一段时间他又回来了,现在他又待了 5 个小时,然后又离开了。 所以现在我需要程序能够识别上一个和下一个日期是否相同。如果它们相同,则将它们加起来。但问题是如何去做,如果这个人说夜班结束,让我们说他在 18:00 进去,第二天 06:00 出去。所以这些时间必须分开。有人有什么想法吗?


table tr td {
  border: 1px solid black;

table {
  border: 1px solid black;
error_reporting(0); //disable all errors and notices
require_once "Classes/PHPExcel.php";
$chosenPerson = $_GET["dla_darbuotojo_pasirinkimas"];
$tmpfname = "visi.xls";
$excelReader = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReaderForFile($tmpfname);
$excelObj = $excelReader->load($tmpfname);
$worksheet = $excelObj->getSheet(0);
$lastRow = $worksheet->getHighestRow();
$aInT = "Administracija[In]";
$vInT = "Vartai[In]";
$aExT = "Administracija[Exit]";
$vExT = "Vartai[Exit]";
$goingIn = false;
$goingExt = false;
$diffFinall = 0;
$goingInValue = 0;
$goingExtValue = 0;

echo "<table>";
for ($row = 1; $row <= $lastRow; $row++) {
    if ($chosenPerson ==  ($worksheet->getCell('D'.$row)->getValue()) ) {
        if (!$goingIn or !$goingExt) {
            //checking if the person alredy went in
            if ((($worksheet->getCell('G'.$row)->getValue()) == $aInT) or (($worksheet->getCell('G'.$row)->getValue()) == $vInT)) {
                //if the person went in
                $goingIn = true;
                echo "<tr><td>";
          $goingInValue = $worksheet->getCell('F'.$row)->getValue();
          echo $worksheet->getCell('D'.$row)->getValue();
          echo "</td><td>";
          echo $worksheet->getCell('F'.$row)->getValue();
          echo "</td><td>";
          echo $worksheet->getCell('G'.$row)->getValue();
          echo "</td><td>";
          for ($erow= $row +1; ; $erow++){
                    if ($chosenPerson ==  ($worksheet->getCell('D'.$erow)->getValue()) ) {
                        if ((($worksheet->getCell('G'.$erow)->getValue()) == $aExT) or (($worksheet->getCell('G'.$erow)->getValue()) == $vExT)) {
                            $goingExtValue = $worksheet->getCell('F'.$erow)->getValue();
         echo $worksheet->getCell('D'.$erow)->getValue();
         echo "</td><td>";
         echo $worksheet->getCell('F'.$erow)->getValue();
         echo "</td><td>";
         echo $worksheet->getCell('G'.$erow)->getValue();
         echo "</td><td>";
         echo $diff->format("%h Val %i Min %s Sek");
         $diffFinall= $diffFinall + $diff;
         echo "</td><tr>";
         $goingIn = false;
         $goingExt = false;
    //echo "<tr><td>";
    //echo $worksheet->getCell('D'.$row)->getValue();
    //echo "</td><td>";
    //echo $worksheet->getCell('F'.$row)->getValue();
    //echo "</td><td>";
    //echo $worksheet->getCell('G'.$row)->getValue();
    //echo "</td><tr>";
  echo "<tr><td>";
  echo "Viso:";
  echo $diffFinall;
  echo "</td></tr>";
  echo "</table>";



// Define total hours before.
$totalHours = 0;

// Imaginary loop {

 *  B and E are th columns 
 *  should be replaced with $worksheet->getCell('B'.$erow)->getValue()
$B = '2018-12-04 07:44:56';
$E = '2018-12-04 18:52:31';

$B = strtotime($B);
$E = strtotime($E);

// this total hours could be part of a multi dimensional array
// it keeps adding up because of this: +=
$totalHours += ($E-$B)/60/60;

// } End Imaginary Loop

echo $totalHours;

您可以使用 $chosenPerson 作为数组中的键将其命名为多维。像这样:

$totalHours = array();

// in the loop:
if (!isset($totalHours[$chosenPerson]))
    $totalHours[$chosenPerson] = ($E-$B)/60/60;
    $totalHours[$chosenPerson] += ($E-$B)/60/60;
// end of loop
