Mockery/PhpUnit: 测试成功但错误

Mockery/PhpUnit: test is successful but it is wrong

我有一个 Domoticz class,读取外部 API。

class Domoticz extends HeaterService implements DomoticControllerInterface {

public function getFromApiCurrentHeaterStatus($current_heater)
        $current_heater = json_decode($current_heater);

        if (!isset($current_heater->result)) {
            throw new \Exception('There is a problem retrieving heater status');

        $heater = array();

        foreach ($current_heater->result as $result) {

            $heater['idx'] = (int)$result->idx;
            $heater['status'] = $result->Status;


        return $heater;



    class DomoticzTest extends TestCase

 * This is a copy of real json got from an API call
private $heater_answer = '{"result":{"2":{"Status":"Off","idx":"17"}}}';

 * Test that from an answer as $heater_answer, we can get an array with idx and status
public function testThatWeCanGetAnArrayFromHeaterAnswer()
    $right_heater_array = array('idx' => 17, 'status' => 'Off');
    $right_array_we_want = $right_heater_array; // we need to get an array
    $wrong_heater_array = array('idx' => 11, 'status' => 'On');
    $wrong_array_we_dont_want = $wrong_heater_array;

    $mock = $this->getMockBuilder('\App\Libs\Domoticz')


    $heater = $mock->getFromApiCurrentHeaterStatus($this->heater_answer);

测试通过。实际上,通过 "real" API 调用 ($this->heater_answer),我们得到一个数组

$heater['idx'] = 17;
$heater['status'] = 'Off';

现在,我确实尝试更改 属性 heater_answer,将 idx 从 17 更改为 2,例如,或状态,在每种情况下测试都通过。


你为什么要嘲笑它?您没有在该方法中进行实际的 API 调用..

由于您正在测试您的方法是否将实际的 heater 答案解码为正确的格式,因此您的测试应如下所示:

private $heater_answer = '{"result":{"2":{"Status":"Off","idx":"17"}}}';

public function testThatWeCanGetAnArrayFromHeaterAnswer()
    $mock = $this->getMockBuilder('\App\Libs\Domoticz')

    $response = $mock->getFromApiCurrentHeaterStatus($this->heater_answer); 

        'idx' => 17, 
        'status' => 'Off'
    ], $response);

通过添加 setMethodsExcept(),该数组中定义的方法将不会被测试替身替换。然后你可以实际测试它。