无法在 Spray 中为内容类型请求设置 header

Not able to set header for content type request in spray


val loginRoute = path("login") {
    post {
      parameter('next ?) {
        (next) =>
          entity(as[FormData]) {
            params =>
              implicit ctx => {
                var headers = List[HttpHeader]()
                val user = params.fields.find(_._1 == "username").get._2
                val pass = params.fields.find(_._1 == "password").get._2
                val remember = params.fields.find(_._1 == "remember") match {
                  case Some(rem) => rem._2
                  case None => "off"
                LdapAuthenticationProvider.authenticate(user, pass) match {
                  case false =>
                    sendResponse(StatusCodes.Forbidden.intValue, "Authentication Failed")
                    redirect("login", StatusCodes.Found)
                  case true =>
                    if ("on".equalsIgnoreCase(remember)) {
                      val hash = calculateHash(Map(Const.USERNAME -> user))
                      headers = List(HttpHeaders.`Set-Cookie`(HttpCookie(Const.COOKIE_REMEMBER_ME_KEY, user)),
                        HttpHeaders.`Set-Cookie`(HttpCookie(Const.COOKIE_AUTH_HASH, hash)))
                    val url = next match {
                      case Some(path) => path
                      case None => "/"
                    complete {
                        status = StatusCodes.Found,
                        headers = Location(url) :: headers,
                        entity = StatusCodes.Found.htmlTemplate match {
                          case "" ⇒ HttpEntity.Empty
                          case template ⇒ HttpEntity(`text/html`, template format url)



Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

我在 POST 请求 header 中设置的。 但是我仍然得到:

There was a problem with the requests Content-Type:
Expected 'application/json'


Jrudolf 提出的问题是我的 JSON 支持特征试图反序列化数据。 headers 被忽略了。事实上,它甚至没有到达那里。解决方案就像扩展现有的编组器一样简单。

    class LoginServlet(context: akka.actor.ActorRefFactory) extends BaseServlet with FormDataUnmarshallers {