如何从 gjs gtk 应用程序发送电子邮件(生成邮件)

how to send email (spawn mail) from gjs gtk app

我正在尝试编写一个需要发送电子邮件的 gjs 应用程序。 我发现这样做的方法是使用 spawn_async_with_pipes() 来调用邮件。 该应用程序似乎生成邮件,我没有收到错误,但我没有收到任何有用的输出,也没有收到测试电子邮件...

我从事此工作已有一段时间了,但几乎没有发现有用的最新文档。我正在使用 gtk3 和 gjs(和 glib)。我还尝试生成一个 shell 脚本,该脚本又调用邮件。这导致 "could not resolve host" 错误和死信队列。所以我知道我正在产生我的命令。我不关心 "could not resolve host command",但事实上我无法通过直接生成邮件来获取它。


const [res, pid, in_fd, out_fd, err_fd] =
await GLib.spawn_async_with_pipes(null,
                                              `-s "${msgObj.subBlock}"`,
                                              `-r ${to}`,
                                              `-S smtp=${HOST}`,
                                              '-S smtp-use-starttls',
                                              '-S smtp-auth=login',
                                              `-S smtp-auth-user=${USER}`,
                                              `-S smtp-auth-password=${PASS}`,
                                              ], null, GLib.SpawnFlags.SEARCH_PATH, null);

const in_reader = new Gio.DataOutputStream({
        base_stream: new Gio.UnixOutputStream({fd: in_fd})
      var feedRes = in_reader.put_string(msgObj.msgBlock, null);

      const out_reader = new Gio.DataInputStream({
        base_stream: new Gio.UnixInputStream({fd: out_fd})
      const err_reader = new Gio.DataInputStream({
        base_stream: new Gio.UnixInputStream({fd: err_fd})
      var out = out_reader.read_until("", null);
      var err = err_reader.read_until("", null);

      print(` > out : "${out}"`);
      print(` > res : "${res}"`);
      print(` > feedRes : "${feedRes}"`);
      print(` > err : "${err}"`);

err 是 0,而 res 只是 true

我不知道输出应该是什么,但我没有收到可识别的错误,也没有发送电子邮件... 如何让我的应用程序发送电子邮件?产生邮件不是要走的路吗? 提前感谢您给我的任何指示。


await GLib.spawn_async_with_pipes(

GLib 有自己的异步函数概念,在适用时需要将其包装在 Promise 中才能有效地使用 await 关键字。在这种情况下,GLib.spawn_async_with_pipes() 并不是您所想的那样异步,但这没关系,因为我们将使用更高级别 class Gio.Subprocess.

async function mail(msgObj, to, host, user, pass, cancellable = null) {
    try {
        let proc = new Gio.Subprocess({
            argv: ['mail',
                   // Option switches and values are separate args
                   '-s', `"${msgObj.subBlock}"`,
                   '-r', `${to}`,
                   '-S', `smtp=${host}`,
                   '-S', 'smtp-use-starttls',
                   '-S', 'smtp-auth=login',
                   '-S', `smtp-auth-user=${user}`,
                   '-S', `smtp-auth-password=${pass}`,
            flags: Gio.SubprocessFlags.STDIN_PIPE |
                   Gio.SubprocessFlags.STDOUT_PIPE |
        // Classes that implement GInitable must be initialized before use, but
        // you could use Gio.Subprocess.new(argv, flags) which will call this for you

        // We're going to wrap a GLib async function in a Promise so we can
        // use it like a native JavaScript async function.
        // You could alternatively return this Promise instead of awaiting it
        // here, but that's up to you.
        let stdout = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

            // communicate_utf8() returns a string, communicate() returns a
            // a GLib.Bytes and there are "headless" functions available as well
                // This is your stdin, which can just be a JS string

                // we've been passing this around from the function args; you can
                // create a Gio.Cancellable and call `cancellable.cancel()` to
                // stop the command or any other operation you've passed it to at
                // any time, which will throw an "Operation Cancelled" error.

                // This is the GAsyncReady callback, which works like any other
                // callback, but we need to ensure we catch errors so we can
                // propagate them with `reject()` to make the Promise work
                // properly
                (proc, res) => {
                    try {
                        let [ok, stdout, stderr] = proc.communicate_utf8_finish(res);
                        // Because we used the STDERR_MERGE flag stderr will be
                        // included in stdout. Obviously you could also call
                        // `resolve([stdout, stderr])` if you wanted to keep both
                        // and separate them.
                        // This won't affect whether the proc actually return non-
                        // zero causing the Promise to reject()
                    } catch (e) {

        return stdout;
    } catch (e) {
        // This could be any number of errors, but probably it will be a GError
        // in which case it will have `code` property carrying a GIOErrorEnum
        // you could use to programmatically respond to, if desired.

Gio.Subprocess 总体上是更好的选择,但对于无法将 "out" 参数传递给函数的语言绑定尤其如此。使用 GLib.spawn_async_with_pipes 您通常会传入 NULL 以防止打开任何您不想要的管道,并始终确保关闭任何您不需要的管道。由于我们不能在 GJS 中这样做,您最终可能会遇到无法关闭的悬空文件描述符。

Gio.Subprocess 为您做了很多工作,确保文件描述符正在关闭,防止僵尸进程,为您设置子手表以及其他您真正不想担心的事情。它还具有获取 IO 流的便利功能,因此您不必自己包装 fd,以及其他有用的东西。

我写了一篇较长的 GJS 异步编程入门读物,您可能会觉得有用 here。你应该能够很快地通过它,它试图消除一些关于 GLib 异步、JavaScript 异步和 GLib 主循环与 JS 事件循环之间关系的混淆。