Uncaught ReferenceError: aresults is not defined, but array was defined

Uncaught ReferenceError: aresults is not defined, but array was defined

我是 JavaScript 的初学者。

当我 运行 这段代码时,我在 Chrome's console 中得到这个错误: Uncaught ReferenceError: aresults is not defined

aresults 是一个 array。我以为我在创建整数的 For loop 之前初始化了 array 将存储 运行。但是Chrome好像说没有array.




<!DOCTYPE html>


    <h2>Storyteller dice roller</h2>

    <!--User selects number of 10-sided dice to be rolled, and target number -->
    Number of dice: <input type="number" value="5" id="dice"><br>
    Difficulty: <input type="number" value="6" id="diff"><br>

    <!--Button executes the "roll" JavaScript function-->
    <button onclick="roll()">Roll</button>


        function roll() {

            // initialize array to store results of "dice rolls"
            var aresults = [];

            // store user input of "Number of dice" as vdice variable
            var vdice = document.getElementById("dice").value;

            // store user input of "Difficulty" as vdiff variable
            var vdiff = document.getElementById("diff").value;

            // simulates rolling a number of 10-sided dice

            // for loop:
            // set vrolled to 0;
            // run loop if vrolled is less than dice;
            // increase vrolled by 1 each time loop is run
            // continue for as many times as there are "dice"
            for (vrolled = 0; vrolled <= vdice; vrolled++) {

                // Create a random number between 1 and 10
                var vresult=Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) + 1;

                // append the new dice roll result to the array


        // Display variable results in console
        console.log("Results array");
        console.log("Dice to be rolled");
        console.log("Roll result");
        console.log("Dice rolled");

您正在函数内部创建所有变量并试图在外部访问它们。使用 var 定义意味着该变量将在范围内的任何地方可用。它并不总是意味着它将随处可用,即 global 定义范围外的所有变量将解决问题,因为所有变量都将成为全局变量。

<!DOCTYPE html>


    <h2>Storyteller dice roller</h2>

    <!--User selects number of 10-sided dice to be rolled, and target number -->
    Number of dice: <input type="number" value="5" id="dice"><br>
    Difficulty: <input type="number" value="6" id="diff"><br>

    <!--Button executes the "roll" JavaScript function-->
    <button onclick="roll()">Roll</button>

var aresults = [];
var vdice = document.getElementById("dice").value;
var vresult;
// store user input of "Difficulty" as vdiff variable
var vdiff = document.getElementById("diff").value;
        function roll() {

// initialize array to store results of "dice rolls"

// store user input of "Number of dice" as vdice variable

// simulates rolling a number of 10-sided dice

// for loop:
// set vrolled to 0;
// run loop if vrolled is less than dice;
// increase vrolled by 1 each time loop is run
// continue for as many times as there are "dice"
for (vrolled = 0; vrolled <= vdice; vrolled++) {

// Create a random number between 1 and 10
vresult=Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) + 1;

// append the new dice roll result to the array


// Display variable results in console
console.log("Results array");
console.log("Dice to be rolled");
console.log("Roll result");
console.log("Dice rolled");