管道中 LogisticRegression 的 _coef 值太多

Too many _coef values for LogisticRegression in Pipeline

我正在 sklearn 管道中使用 sklearn-pandas DataFrameMapper。为了评估特征联合管道中的特征贡献,我喜欢测量估计器(逻辑回归)的系数。对于以下代码示例,三个文本内容列 a, bc 被矢量化并选择为 X_train:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import pickle
from sklearn_pandas import DataFrameMapper
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline

data = pd.read_csv('https://pastebin.com/raw/WZHwqLWr')

X = data.copy()
y = data.result
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=1)

mapper = DataFrameMapper([
        ('a', CountVectorizer()),
        ('b', CountVectorizer()),
        ('c', CountVectorizer())

pipeline = Pipeline([
        ('featurize', mapper),
        ('clf', LogisticRegression(random_state=1))

pipeline.fit(X_train, y_train)
y_pred = pipeline.predict(X_test)

#array([[0.3567311 , 0.3567311 , 0.46215153, 0.10542043, 0.3567311 ,
#        0.46215153, 0.46215153, 0.3567311 , 0.3567311 , 0.3567311 ,
#        0.3567311 , 0.46215153, 0.46215153, 0.3567311 , 0.46215153,
#        0.3567311 , 0.3567311 , 0.3567311 , 0.3567311 , 0.46215153,
#        0.46215153, 0.46215153, 0.3567311 , 0.3567311 ]])


与通常 returns 长度与特征数量相等的系数的多个特征的正常分析不同,DataFrameMapper returns 更大的系数矩阵。

a) 总共24个大写系数怎么解释? b) 访问每个特征 ("a"、"b"、"c") 的 coef_ 值的最佳方法是什么?


a: coef_score (float)
b: coef_score (float)
c: coef_score (float)


Pipeline 中恢复拟合的 DataFrameMapper 后,您可以使用 .features 方法访问其内容。这使得可以遍历用于将字符串转换为单热编码变量的 CountVectorizer 函数。每个 CountVecotrizer 都有一个 .vocabulary_ 方法,可以准确地告诉您什么列代表什么字符串。

因此,您可以按顺序拉出 DataFrameMapper 中的每个 CountVectorizer,并针对每个 CountVectorizer,按顺序提取表示输入矩阵中每一列的字符串。这将允许您拥有一个精确表示系数标签的序列。


# recover the fitted mapper
fitted_mapper = pipeline.named_steps['featurize'] 

mapped_labels = list()
# iterate through the CountVectorizers
for label, fun in fitted_mapper.features:
    # Iterate through the sorted vocabulary
    for level, _ in sorted(fun.vocabulary_.items()):

# the ordered sequence of vectorized strings

# pick up the coefficients
coefs = pipeline.named_steps['clf'].coef_[0]

# pair mapped labels and coefs and print them
for label, coef in zip(mapped_labels, coefs):
    print("%s:%0.5f" % (label, coef))

尽管您的初始数据框确实只包含三个特征的列 abc,但 Pandas DataFrameMapper() class将SKlearn的CountVectorizer()应用到a、b、c各列各自的词库中。这导致总共创建了 24 个特征,然后将其传递给您的 LogisticRegression() classifier。这就是为什么当您尝试访问 classifier 的 .coef_ 属性时得到一个包含 24 个值的未标记列表的原因。

但是,将这 24 个 coeff_ 分数中的每一个与它们来自的原始列(abc)进行匹配非常简单,然后计算每列的平均系数得分。以下是我们的做法:


             a                   b                c   result
2   here we go   hello here we are   this is a test        0
73  here we go   hello here we are   this is a test        0

如果我们 运行 下一行,我们可以看到由 DataFrameMapper/CountVectorizer() 创建的所有 24 个特征的列表,用于 mapper 对象:





现在,下面是我们如何计算来自 a/b/c 列的三组特征的平均系数分数:

col_names = list(data.drop(['result'], axis=1).columns.values)
vect_feats = pipeline.named_steps['featurize'].transformed_names_
clf_coef_scores = abs(pipeline.named_steps['clf'].coef_)

def get_avg_coef_scores(col_names, vect_feats, clf_coef_scores):
    scores = {}
    start_pos = 0
    for n in col_names:
        num_vect_feats = len([i for i in vect_feats if i[0] == n])
        end_pos = start_pos + num_vect_feats
        scores[n + '_avg_coef_score'] = np.mean(clf_coef_scores[0][start_pos:end_pos])
        start_pos = end_pos
    return scores


get_avg_coef_scores(col_names, vect_feats, clf_coef_scores)

{'a_avg_coef_score': 0.3499861323284858,
 'b_avg_coef_score': 0.40358462487685853,
 'c_avg_coef_score': 0.3918712435073411}


{key:clf_coef_scores[0][i] for i, key in enumerate(vect_feats)}

{'a_another': 0.3567310993987888,
 'a_example': 0.3567310993987888,
 'a_go': 0.4621515317244458,
 'a_here': 0.10542043232565701,
 'a_is': 0.3567310993987888,
 'a_we': 0.4621515317244458,
 'b_are': 0.4621515317244458,
 'b_column': 0.3567310993987888,
 'b_content': 0.3567310993987888,
 'b_every': 0.3567310993987888,
 'b_has': 0.3567310993987888,
 'b_hello': 0.4621515317244458,
 'b_here': 0.4621515317244458,
 'b_text': 0.3567310993987888,
 'b_we': 0.4621515317244458,
 'c_can': 0.3567310993987888,
 'c_deal': 0.3567310993987888,
 'c_feature': 0.3567310993987888,
 'c_how': 0.3567310993987888,
 'c_is': 0.4621515317244458,
 'c_test': 0.4621515317244458,
 'c_this': 0.4621515317244458,
 'c_union': 0.3567310993987888,
 'c_with': 0.3567310993987888}