D3.json Node.js 服务器的意外令牌
D3.json Unexpected token with Node.js Server
尝试学习 D3 我编写了以下本地服务器:
const http = require('http');
const fs = require('fs');
function onRequest(request, response) {
response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'});
fs.readFile('./index.html', null, function(error, data) {
if (error) {
// response.write('file not found');
} else {
http.createServer(onRequest).listen(8000, '');
然后我去 渲染这个 index.html:
<script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v5.min.js"></script>
var stringit = `[{"coin_val": 4999999,"coin_lab": "#PAX"},{"coin_val": 1100000,"coin_lab": "#USDC"}]`;
d3.json('./data.json', function(err, data) {
但我在 Chrome 控制台中收到以下错误:
Uncaught (in promise) SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 1 at Go (d3.v5.min.js:2) Go @ d3.v5.min.js:2
我做错了什么?是我的 3D 代码还是我没有正确设置服务器?如何让 D3 读取 Node.js 服务器中的 JSON 文件?
我怀疑 JSON 不是问题所在,服务器端出现问题并以错误的方式读取 HTML?
I wrote the following local server
它提供 index.html
因此您的 JavaScript 请求 data.json
并获得 index.html
由于 index.html
的内容不是 JSON,并且以 <
开头,因此会抛出错误消息。 JSON 文件不能以 <
您需要修复您的服务器,以便它向浏览器提供它所要求的内容,而不是盲目地发送 index.html
您的问题似乎是您的代码除了 index.html 之外不知道如何提供任何服务。使用纯节点服务器真的很令人沮丧,因为互联网上的大多数资源都假定用户将使用 express 或其他框架。
下面我有一个服务器,可以为静态网站提供服务并处理对几种常见媒体类型的请求。您可以通过查找该文件格式的 MIME 类型修改 getContentType 函数中的代码来添加其他类型。
'use strict'
// Step 1: Declare Constants and Require External Resources
const port = "8888", landing = 'index.html', hostname = "";
const path = require('path');
const http = require('http');
const fs = require('fs');
const qs = require('querystring');
// Step 2: Create getContentType Function that Returns the Requested MimeType for the browser
* getContentType :: str -> str
* Function returns the content type that matches the resource being
* requested by the server controller
function getContentType(url){
const mimeTypes = {
'.html' : 'text/html' , '.js' : 'text/javascript' ,
'.css' : 'text/css' , '.json' : 'application/json' ,
'.png' : 'image/png' , '.jpg' : 'image/jpg' ,
'.gif' : 'image/gif' , '.svg' : 'image/svg+xml' ,
'.wav' : 'audio/wav' , '.mp4' : 'video/mp4' ,
'.woff' : 'application/font-woff' , '.ttf' : 'application/font-ttf' ,
'.otf' : 'application/font-otf' , '.eot' : 'application/vnd.ms-fontobject' ,
'.wasm' : 'application/wasm'
// If requested url extension is a mime type, the dict object will return that url's value,
// otherwise octet-stream will be returned instead
return mimeTypes[path.extname(url).toLowerCase()] || 'application/octet-stream';
// Step 3: Create sendFile Function that Delivers Requested files to the Response stream
* sendFile :: (str, str, str, stream) -> void
* function delivers any requested resources to the stream
function sendFile(file, url, contentType, request, response){
fs.readFile(file, (error, content) => {
if(error) {
.write(`404 Error: '${url}' Was Not Found!`);
// include file path for easy debugging, tabs added to make distinct
console.log(`\t${request.method} Response: 404 Error, '${file}' Was Not Found!`);
} else {
response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': contentType})
console.log(`\t${request.method} Response: 200, ${url} Served`);
// Step 4: Create serverController Function to initialize the server and run the request loop
* serverController :: str -> void
* Function creates a server and accesses sendFile and getContentType to serve
* requested resources
function serverController(hostname) {
const server = http.createServer((request, response) => {
// Creates space around .html requests so that they stand out more in the console
if (path.extname(request.url) == '.html' || request.url == '/') {
console.log(`\nPage Requested: ${request.url}\n`);
} else {
if (request.method == "GET") {
console.log(`${request.method} Request: ${request.url}`);
} else {
console.log(`Request came: ${request.url}`);
// Sends the requested resources to the response stream
if (request.url == '/') {
var file = path.join(__dirname, landing); // delivers index.html by default
sendFile(file, landing, 'text/html', request, response);
} else {
var file = path.join(__dirname, request.url); // delivers requested resource
sendFile(file, request.url, getContentType(request.url), request, response);
// Gives server a port to listen to and gives an IP address to find it
server.listen(port, hostname, () => {
console.log(`Server running at ${hostname}:${port}\n`);
// Step 6: Create launch IIFE Function that Starts the server upon Instantiation
(function launch() {