iTunes 搜索 api 从结果中获取所有曲目
iTunes search api getting all tracks from result
我正在使用 iTunes 进行非常简单的搜索 api 以尝试检索某个用户的播客列表,结果只显示 1,但曲目列表是 25。有什么方法可以查看所有“曲目”?
我能够使用下面评论中的 URL 重现以下结果:
"resultCount": 1,
"results": [
"wrapperType": "track",
"kind": "podcast",
"collectionId": 1157898727,
"trackId": 1157898727,
"artistName": "Phoenix FM",
"collectionName": "The West Ham Way on Phoenix FM",
"trackName": "The West Ham Way on Phoenix FM",
"collectionCensoredName": "The West Ham Way on Phoenix FM",
"trackCensoredName": "The West Ham Way on Phoenix FM",
"collectionViewUrl": "",
"feedUrl": "",
"trackViewUrl": "",
"artworkUrl30": "",
"artworkUrl60": "",
"artworkUrl100": "",
"collectionPrice": 0,
"trackPrice": 0,
"trackRentalPrice": 0,
"collectionHdPrice": 0,
"trackHdPrice": 0,
"trackHdRentalPrice": 0,
"releaseDate": "2019-01-23T22:03:00Z",
"collectionExplicitness": "cleaned",
"trackExplicitness": "cleaned",
"trackCount": 25,
"country": "USA",
"currency": "USD",
"primaryGenreName": "Professional",
"contentAdvisoryRating": "Clean",
"artworkUrl600": "",
"genreIds": [
"genres": [
"Sports & Recreation"
根据 this answer by juhariis, you'll need to hit the feedURL
(in this case, "") 在结果中获取实际剧集。
可能 language or framework-specific packages 你可以帮你解决这个问题。
您确定您的搜索 URL 不是这样的:
根据iTunes Web Service Search API documentation,请求中不需要限制参数URL,因此您可以简单地删除查询字符串的“&limit=1”部分:
To search for all Jack Johnson audio and video content (movies, podcasts, music, music videos, audiobooks, short films, and tv shows), your URL would look like the following:
我正在使用 iTunes 进行非常简单的搜索 api 以尝试检索某个用户的播客列表,结果只显示 1,但曲目列表是 25。有什么方法可以查看所有“曲目”?
我能够使用下面评论中的 URL 重现以下结果:
"resultCount": 1,
"results": [
"wrapperType": "track",
"kind": "podcast",
"collectionId": 1157898727,
"trackId": 1157898727,
"artistName": "Phoenix FM",
"collectionName": "The West Ham Way on Phoenix FM",
"trackName": "The West Ham Way on Phoenix FM",
"collectionCensoredName": "The West Ham Way on Phoenix FM",
"trackCensoredName": "The West Ham Way on Phoenix FM",
"collectionViewUrl": "",
"feedUrl": "",
"trackViewUrl": "",
"artworkUrl30": "",
"artworkUrl60": "",
"artworkUrl100": "",
"collectionPrice": 0,
"trackPrice": 0,
"trackRentalPrice": 0,
"collectionHdPrice": 0,
"trackHdPrice": 0,
"trackHdRentalPrice": 0,
"releaseDate": "2019-01-23T22:03:00Z",
"collectionExplicitness": "cleaned",
"trackExplicitness": "cleaned",
"trackCount": 25,
"country": "USA",
"currency": "USD",
"primaryGenreName": "Professional",
"contentAdvisoryRating": "Clean",
"artworkUrl600": "",
"genreIds": [
"genres": [
"Sports & Recreation"
根据 this answer by juhariis, you'll need to hit the feedURL
(in this case, "") 在结果中获取实际剧集。
可能 language or framework-specific packages 你可以帮你解决这个问题。
您确定您的搜索 URL 不是这样的:
根据iTunes Web Service Search API documentation,请求中不需要限制参数URL,因此您可以简单地删除查询字符串的“&limit=1”部分:
To search for all Jack Johnson audio and video content (movies, podcasts, music, music videos, audiobooks, short films, and tv shows), your URL would look like the following: