Haskell:异构字符串列表的类型(无样板)and/or [String]?

Haskell: Type (without boilerplate) for a heterogeneous list of String and/or [String]?

我想要一个 String[String] 的异构列表,例如:

strs = ["h", ["x", "y"], "i", ["m", "n", "p"]]


data EitherOr t = StringS t | StringL [t]

eitherOrstrs :: [EitherOr String]
eitherOrstrs = [StringS "h", StringL ["x", "y"], StringS "i", StringL ["m", "n", "p"]]

但我很好奇这是否可以在没有任何样板的情况下实现,如上文 strs 所示。


{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}

class Listable a where
  toListForm :: [String]

instance Listable String where
  toListForm s = [s]

instance Listable [String] where
  toListForm = id

strs :: forall a. Listable a => [a]
strs = ["h", ["x", "y"], "i", ["m", "n", "p"]]


The class method ‘toListForm’
mentions none of the type or kind variables of the class ‘Listable a’
When checking the class method: toListForm :: [String]
In the class declaration for ‘Listable’



{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}

import GHC.Exts
import Data.String

data MyStringListThingy
    = String String
    | List [MyStringListThingy]
    deriving (Eq, Show)

instance IsString MyStringListThingy where
    fromString = String

instance IsList MyStringListThingy where
    type Item MyStringListThingy = MyStringListThingy
    fromList = List
    fromListN _ = List
    toList (String s) = [String s]
    toList (List ss) = ss

strs :: MyStringListThingy
strs = ["h", ["x", "y"], "i", ["m", "n", "p", ["q", ["r", "s"]]]]

你至少需要 GHC 7.8,可能是 7.10(我还没有用 7.8 测试过)。


strs = fL [fS "h", fL [fS "x", fS "y"], fS "i", fL [fS "m", fS "n", fS "p", fL [fS "q", fL [fS "r", fS "s"]]]]
        fL = fromList
        fS = fromString

虽然没有 fLfS 别名,但我只是这样做了,这样我就不必输入那么多了。它只是感觉没有样板文件,因为编译器为您放置了那些函数调用,但您仍然需要将这些值转换为 MyStringListThingy.


你也可以使用这个技巧摆脱异构数字列表,因为数字文字也是多态的,这也是 OverloadedStringsOverloadedLists 扩展对这些文字所做的.通过制作一个包装列表和字符串的类型,然后实例化您允许 Haskell 从这些文字转换为您的自定义类型的必要类型类。 TypeFamilies 扩展仅对 IsList 实例是必需的。如果你想在 GHCi 中使用它,你还必须在那里启用所有这些扩展,但它确实有效。


{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}

import GHC.Exts
import Data.String

data NestedList a
    = Item a
    | List [NestedList a]
    deriving (Eq, Show)

instance IsList (NestedList a) where
    type Item (NestedList a) = NestedList a
    fromList = List
    fromListN _ = List
    toList (List xs) = xs
    toList item = [item]

instance IsString (NestedList String) where
    fromString = Item

instance Num a => Num (NestedList a) where
    fromInteger = Item . fromInteger

Num 实例并没有实现它需要的一切,只是足以炫耀它有效

> [1, [2, 3]] :: NestedList Int
List [Item 1, List [Item 2, Item 3]]
