如何通过干预将图像 trim 变白 space?

How can I trim white space off image with Intervention?

我有一个 class 可以拍摄我下载的照片,然后再重新上传到 S3 以进行长期存储,我想 trim 白色 space。当我存储临时图像(工作正常)时,我尝试在我的 storeTempFile() 方法中调用干预 trim() 但这不会 trim 白色 space.我在想这可能是我代码中的位置?

class PhotoProcessor
  public function __construct(Listing $listing, $photoData)
    $this->bucket       = 'real-estate-listings';
    $this->s3           = App::make('aws')->get('s3');
    $this->tempFileName = 'app/storage/processing/images/retsphotoupload';
    $this->photoData    = $photoData;
    $this->listing      = $listing;
    $this->photo        = new RetsPhoto;

  public function process()

    $success = $this->pushToS3();

    // if Result has the full URL or you want to build it, add it to $this->photo
    unset ($this->photoData);
    return $success;

  private function storeTempFile()
    // return File::put($this->tempFileName, $this->photoData['Data']) > 0;
    File::put($this->tempFileName, $this->photoData['Data']);
    Image::make($this->tempFileName)->trim('top-left', null, 60);
    return($this->tempFileName) > 0;


  private function storeFileInfo()
    $fileInfo = getimagesize($this->tempFileName);
    // Could even be its own object
    $this->fileInfo = [
    'width'     => $fileInfo[0],
    'height'    => $fileInfo[1],
    'mimetype'  => $fileInfo['mime'],
    'extension' => $this->getFileExtension($fileInfo['mime'])

  private function buildPhoto()
    $this->photo->number = $this->photoData['Object-ID']; // Storing this because it is relevant order wise
    $this->photo->width  = $this->fileInfo['width'];
    $this->photo->height = $this->fileInfo['height'];
    $this->photo->path   = $this->getFilePath();

  private function getFilePath()
    $path   = [];
    if ($this->listing->City == NULL)
      $path[] = Str::slug('No City');
      $path[] = Str::slug($this->listing->City, $separator = '-'); 

    if ($this->listing->Subdivision->subdivision_display_name == NULL)
      $path[] = Str::slug('No Subdivision');
      $path[] = Str::slug($this->listing->Subdivision->subdivision_display_name, $separator = '-');  

    if ($this->listing->MLSNumber == NULL)
      $path[] = Str::slug('No MLSNumber');
      $path[] = Str::slug($this->listing->MLSNumber, $separator = '-');

      $path[] = $this->photoData['Object-ID'].'.'.$this->fileInfo['extension'];

      return strtolower(join('/', $path));


  private function pushToS3()
    return $this->s3->putObject([
      'Bucket'     => $this->bucket,
      'Key'        => $this->photo->path,
      'ContentType'=> $this->fileInfo['mimetype'],
      'SourceFile' => $this->tempFileName

  private function getFileExtension($mime)
    // Use better algorithm than this
    $ext = str_replace('image/', '', $mime);
    return $ext == 'jpeg' ? 'jpg' : $ext;

  private function removeTempFile()
    return File::delete($this->tempFileName);

trim() return 是修剪后的图像,但您未对 return 值执行任何操作。尝试调用 save() 将图像保存到文件系统:

Image::make($this->tempFileName)->trim('top-left', null, 60)->save();
//                                                            ^^^^^^