mgcv: 如何在 predict.gam 中使用 'exclude' 参数?

mgcv: How to use 'exclude' argument in predict.gam?

我有一个结构如下的模型,我想在忽略随机效应的情况下提取预测值。正如 ?predict.gamhere 中指定的那样,我正在使用 exclude 参数,但出现错误。我的错误在哪里?

dt <- data.frame(n1 = runif(500, min=0, max=1),
             n2 = rep(1:10,50), 
             n3 = runif(500, min=0, max=2),
             n4 = runif(500, min=0, max=2),
             c1 = factor(rep(c("X","Y"),250)),
             c2 = factor(rep(c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e"), 100)))

mod = gam(n1 ~ 
           s(n2, n3, n4, by=c1) +
           s(c2, bs="re"),

newd=data.table(expand.grid(n1=seq(min(dt$n1), max(dt$n1), 0.5), 
                        n3=seq(min(dt$n3), max(dt$n3), 0.5),
                        n4=seq(min(dt$n4), max(dt$n4), 0.5),
                        c1=c("X", "Y")))
newd$pred <- predict.gam(mod, newd, exclude = "s(c2)")

In predict.gam(mod, newd, exclude = "s(c2)"): not all required variables have been supplied in  newdata! 

exclude 并不像您假设的那样工作。您仍然需要在 newd 中为 predict.gam 提供所有变量。请参阅我的 了解 predict.gam 背后的内容。


## pad newd with an arbitrary value for variable c2
newd$c2 <- "a"
## termwise prediction
pt <- predict.gam(mod, newd, type = "terms", exclude = "s(c2)")
## linear predictor without random effect
lp_no_c2 <- rowSums(pt) + attr(pt, "constant")