p5.js 俄罗斯方块的实现有一个错误,使碎片从底部掉落

Implementation of p5.js tetris has a bug that makes pieces fall through the bottom

我正在 p5.js 制作 3D 俄罗斯方块。但是现在我有一个错误,它会让碎片从底部掉下来!我不确定为什么会这样,因为我写了一个函数 "fallingPieceIsLegal" 可以防止这种情况发生。非常感谢您的帮助!

//Audrey Zheng
//3D Tetris

var cx;
var cy;

// set board dimensions and margin
var rows = 15;
var cols = 10;
var margin = 50;
let emptyColor;

//make board

var state = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < cols; i ++) {

var board = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i< rows; i ++) {

//seven "standard" pieces (tetrominoes)

var iPiece = [
    [ true,  true,  true,  true]
var jPiece = [
    [ true, false, false ],
    [ true, true,  true]
var lPiece = [
    [ false, false, true],
    [ true,  true,  true]
var oPiece = [
    [ true, true],
    [ true, true]
var sPiece = [
    [ false, true, true],
    [ true,  true, false ]
var tPiece = [
    [ false, true, false ],
    [ true,  true, true]

var zPiece = [
    [ true,  true, false ],
    [ false, true, true]

var tetrisPieces = [ iPiece, jPiece, lPiece, oPiece, sPiece, tPiece, zPiece ];
var tetrisPieceColors = [ "green", "pink", "orange", "yellow", "purple", "blue", "red" ];

//the falling piece

var fallingPiece;
var fallingPieceCols;
var fallingPieceCol;
var fallingPieceRow;

function setup() {

    createCanvas(550, 800);

    // osc = new p5.TriOsc();
    // osc.freq(880.0);
    // osc.amp(0.1);
    // osc.start();

    cx = width/2;
    cy = width/2;



function draw() {


    emptyColor = color(255,0,0,63);

    drawBoard(rows,cols, 450,675);



    if (moveFallingPiece(-1,0) == false) {



function newFallingPiece(){

    fallingPiece = random(tetrisPieces);
    fallingPieceCols = fallingPiece[0].length;
    fallingPieceCol = cols/2 - Math.floor(fallingPieceCols/2);
    fallingPieceRow = 0;


function placeFallingPiece() {
    for (var r = 0; r < fallingPiece.length; r ++) {
        for (var c = 0; c < fallingPiece[0].length; c ++) {
            if (fallingPiece[r][c]) {
                board[r + fallingPieceRow][c + fallingPieceCol] = "magenta";

function drawFallingPiece() {
    for (var r = 0; r < fallingPiece.length; r ++) {
        for (var c = 0; c < fallingPiece[0].length; c ++) {
            if (fallingPiece[r][c]) {
                var bnds = getCellBounds(r + fallingPieceRow, c + fallingPieceCol, 450, 675);

                var tetrisCube = new cube(bnds[0],bnds[2], true);
                rect(bnds[0], bnds[2], 45,45);



function fallingPieceIsLegal() {

    for (var r = 0; r < fallingPiece.length; r++) {
        for (var c = 0; c < fallingPieceCols; c++) {
            if (fallingPiece[r][c] == true) {
                if ((c + fallingPieceCol > cols - 1) || (c + fallingPieceCol < 0)) {
                    return false;
                if (r + fallingPieceRow > rows -1) {
                    return false;

    return true;

function moveFallingPiece(drow, dcol) {
    if ((drow == 0) && (dcol == -1)) { //move left
        fallingPieceCol -= 1;
        if (fallingPieceIsLegal() == false) {
            fallingPieceCol += 1;

    if ((drow == 0) && (dcol == 1)) { //move right
        fallingPieceCol += 1;
        if (fallingPieceIsLegal() == false) {
            fallingPieceCol -= 1;

    if ((drow == -1) && (dcol == 0)) { //move down
        fallingPieceRow += 1;  
        if (fallingPieceIsLegal() == false) {
            fallingPieceRow -= 1;
            return false;
            return true;   

function rotate1(L) {
    var result = [];
    var a;
    for (var col = L[0].length -1; col > -1; col--) {
        var result1 = [];
        for (var row = 0; row < L.length; row++) {
            a = L[row][col];

    return result;

function rotateFallingPiece() {
    fallingPiece = rotate1(fallingPiece);
    fallingPieceCols = fallingPiece[0].length;
    if (fallingPieceIsLegal == false) {
        for (var i = 0; i < 3; i ++) {
            fallingPiece = rotate1(fallingPiece);
            fallingPieceCols = fallingPiece[0].length;

function getCellBounds(row,col, width,height) {
    var gridWidth = width - 2 * margin;
    var gridHeight = height - 2 * margin;
    var x0 = margin + width * col/ cols;
    var x1 = margin + width * (col + 1)/ cols;
    var y0 = margin + height * row / rows;
    var y1 = margin + height * (row + 1)/ rows;
    return [x0,x1,y0,y1];

//console.log(getCellBounds(0,0, 450,600));

function drawBoard(rows, cols, width,height) {
    for (var row = 0; row < rows; row ++) {
        for (var col = 0; col < cols; col++) {

function drawCell(row, col, width, height) {
    var bounds = getCellBounds(row,col, width, height);
    x0 = bounds[0];
    x1 = bounds[1];
    y0 = bounds[2];
    y1 = bounds[3];


    var cellCube = new cube(x0 ,y0, false);

    //quad(x0,y0, x0,y0 + 40, x0+40, y0+40, x0 + 40, y0 );


function cube(x,y, isSolid) { //the cube
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;

    this.width = 45;

    this.NW =[this.x, this.y];    
    this.NE = [x+this.width, this.y];

    this.SE = [this.x+this.width, y+this.width];

    this.SW = [this.x, y+this.width];

    this.larger = new square(x,y,this.width, this.width);
    this.smaller = new square(x + (cx -x) * 0.25, y + (cy - y) *0.25, this.width * 0.75, this.width * 0.75);

    this.NWs =[(this.x + (cx - this.x) * 0.20), this.y + (cy - this.y) * 0.20];
    this.NEs = [(this.x + (cx - this.x) * 0.20) + (this.width * 0.8), this.y + (cy - this.y) * 0.20];

    this.SEs = [(this.x + (cx - this.x) * 0.20) + (this.width * 0.8), this.y + (cy - this.y) * 0.20 + (this.width * 0.8)];

    this.SWs = [(this.x + (cx - this.x) * 0.20), this.y + (cy - this.y) * 0.20 +(this.width * 0.8)];

    this.display = function() {

        //rect(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.width);
        //rect(this.x + (cx - this.x) * 0.20, this.y + (cy - this.y) * 0.20, this.width * 0.8, this.width * 0.8);
        //bigger square
        line(this.x,this.y, this.x + this.width, this.y);
        line(this.x,this.y, this.x, this.y + this.width);
        line(this.x + this.width, this.y, this.x + this.width, this.y + this.width);
        line(this.x, this.y+ this.width, this.x + this.width, this.y + this.width);

        //smaller square
        line(this.x + (cx - this.x) * 0.20, this.y + (cy - this.y) * 0.20, (this.x + (cx - this.x) * 0.20 )+ this.width * 0.8, this.y + (cy - this.y) * 0.20);
        line(this.x + (cx - this.x) * 0.20, this.y + (cy - this.y) * 0.20, this.x + (cx - this.x) * 0.20, this.y + (cy - this.y) * 0.20 + this.width * 0.8);
        line(this.x + (cx - this.x) * 0.20 + this.width * 0.8, this.y + (cy - this.y) * 0.20,this.x + (cx - this.x) * 0.20 + this.width * 0.8,this.y + (cy - this.y) * 0.20 + this.width * 0.8);
        line(this.x + (cx - this.x) * 0.20, this.y + (cy - this.y) * 0.20 + this.width * 0.8, (this.x + (cx - this.x) * 0.20 )+ this.width * 0.8, this.y + (cy - this.y) * 0.20 + this.width * 0.8);

        if (isSolid == false) {

            line(this.NW[0], this.NW[1], this.NWs[0], this.NWs[1]);
            line(this.NE[0], this.NE[1], this.NEs[0], this.NEs[1]);
            line(this.SE[0], this.SE[1], this.SEs[0], this.SEs[1]);

            line(this.SW[0], this.SW[1], this.SWs[0], this.SWs[1]);

        if (isSolid) {
            quad(this.SW[0], this.SW[1], this.SE[0], this.SE[1], this.SEs[0], this.SEs[1], this.SWs[0], this.SWs[1]); //bottom
            quad(this.NE[0], this.NE[1], this.NEs[0], this.NEs[1], this.SEs[0], this.SEs[1], this.SE[0], this.SE[1]); // right
            quad(this.NW[0], this.NW[1], this.NWs[0], this.NWs[1], this.SWs[0], this.SWs[1], this.SW[0], this.SW[1]); //fill left
            quad(this.NE[0], this.NE[1], this.NEs[0], this.NEs[1], this.NWs[0], this.NWs[1], this.NW[0], this.NW[1]); //fill top
            quad(this.NE[0], this.NE[1], this.SE[0], this.SE[1], this.SW[0], this.SW[1], this.NW[0], this.NW[1]);



function square(x,y,w,h) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.width = w;
    this.height = h;

    this.getCorners = function() {
        var NW =[x-w/2,y-h/2];
        var NE = [x+w/2, y-h/2];
        var SE = [x+w/2, y-h/2];
        var SW = [x-w/2, y+h/2];

        return [NW,NE,SE,SW];

function keyPressed() {
    if (keyCode == LEFT_ARROW) {
        moveFallingPiece(0, -1);

    if (keyCode == RIGHT_ARROW) {

    if (keyCode == DOWN_ARROW) {

    if (keyCode == UP_ARROW) {
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placeFallingPiece 函数与drawFallingPiece 非常相似,只是它不是绘制单元格,而是将fallingPiece 的相应单元格加载到具有fallingPieceColor 的棋盘上。这样棋子就摆在棋盘上了

哇,看起来工作量很大! 您可能想要简化或重新开始来解决您的问题。 (你以后总是可以让它变得更复杂,但如果它不能按你的需要工作,最好先把它变得容易tweak/change)。


  1. 您已经有一个条件来检查下落的棋子是否在底部并且它有效:if (moveFallingPiece(-1,0) == false) {
  2. 目前你只有一块,当它到达底部时你 "recycle" 它作为一个新的块(改变它的俄罗斯方块块类型并将行重置为 0):你可能想要创建一个数组存放掉落的碎片。这样你就可以选择停止更新行(阻止它们掉落),但继续在屏幕上渲染它们并且还解决了哪一部分连接为连续最后一行的逻辑
  3. 代码很tighly coupled。您可能想要重新组织您的对象,以便更轻松地处理多个部分,每个部分都有部分。

(例如创建一个 class and instances (objects) ,解决任何碰撞(无论是与屏幕底部还是其他部分)并在检测到碰撞时将多个对象添加到数组以形成完整的行(增益点)或叠加)

我建议先用 p5.js 做一个 2D 版本,然后简单地将 p5.js 渲染器更改为 WEBGL 并将你的 rect() 调用换成 box() calls (taking into account they're drawn from centre and using push()/pop() calls to isolate coordinate spaces for each box). (A bit further down the line you might want to look at the MVC 模式并将 rendering/view 与数据和控制逻辑分开,允许您根据需要从 2D 更改为 3D 俄罗斯方块)