如何将非托管的 Cloudera CDH 集群升级到 6.1?

How to upgrade unmanaged Cloudera CDH cluster to 6.1?

我找不到任何文档来通过命令行升级非托管集群(运行 5.16),如下面的 5.15


谁能告诉我 6.1 的相应文档?

这已在 cloudera forum 中得到解答。交叉发布以防止 link rot

  1. You can upgrade the packages based cluster but it's very tedious process so not recommended. https://docs.cloudera.com/documentation/enterprise/upgrade/topics/ug_overview.html
  2. The best way is to migrate from packages to parcels and then upgrade. https://docs.cloudera.com/documentation/enterprise/6/latest/topics/cm_ig_migrating_packages_to_parce...
  3. Once you migrated you can use this page to get the CM server running with Web UI. https://docs.cloudera.com/documentation/enterprise/6/6.3/topics/installation.html Regarding your ask "Is there any way by which an Unmanaged 5.x cluster can move to CDH 6.x (may be adding it in Cloudera Manager and then moving to 6.x)?"

I am thinking that you can build a 1 node CM server and then add these present cluster by adding node in that CM. (Though I haven't tried this on packages)