ValueError: Failed to commit transaction in 5 attempts

ValueError: Failed to commit transaction in 5 attempts

TL;DR 事务未按预期更新计数器


我有名为 projectsactivities 的子集。 项目集合用于存储有关任何正在进行的项目的信息,活动集合用作对项目集合中发生的任何更改的审计跟踪。

我编写了一个触发活动集合的云函数 on create event。在活动集合中创建文档后,我需要在项目子集合中由 projectId 标识的文档中更新名为 activityCount 的计数器。


def update_activity_count_in_transaction(transaction, activity):
    updates the activity count for a project
        # get the project details of associated project at home/{orgId}/projects/{projectId}
        project = activity.project.doc_ref.get(transaction=transaction)

        # get the activity count from the transactional snapshot
        activity_count = project.get(FireBaseConfig.ACTIVITY_COUNT)

        # increment the counter using transaction
        transaction.update(activity.project.doc_ref, {FireBaseConfig.ACTIVITY_COUNT: activity_count + 1})
    except KeyError as err:

        # create activityCount key if not present in projects collection and increment the counter using transaction
        transaction.update(activity.project.doc_ref, {FireBaseConfig.ACTIVITY_COUNT: 1})
    print('transaction success')

    return True

def activity_on_create(event, context):
    update the activity count in projects sub collection
    This is invoked on create event at home/{orgId}/activities/{activityId}

    # parse the event data received from cloud functions into a FireStoreActivity object
    activity = FireStoreActivity(event, context)
        if not
            print('no project id')
            return True

        # get firestore transaction object
        # activity.transaction() is equivalent to firestore.client().transaction()
        transaction = activity.transaction()

        # update the counter using transaction
        update_activity_count_in_transaction(transaction, activity)
    except Exception as err:
    return True


ValueError: Failed to commit transaction in 5 attempts


File "/env/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/google/cloud/functions/", line 333, in run_background_function
  File "/env/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/google/cloud/functions/", line 199, in invoke_user_function
    return call_user_function(request_or_event)
  File "/env/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/google/cloud/functions/", line 196, in call_user_function
  File "/user_code/", line 149, in activity_on_create
    raise err
  File "/user_code/", line 146, in activity_on_create
    update_activity_count_in_transaction(transaction, activity)
  File "/env/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/google/cloud/firestore_v1beta1/", line 327, in __call__
    raise ValueError(msg)
ValueError: Failed to commit transaction in 5 attempts.

Note: This error occurs randomly and not all the time. But it does occur.


当事务由于对同一目标文档的大量并发写入而无法提交时,Firestore 客户端将在放弃之前重试事务最多 N 次。对于 Python Firestore 客户端,默认情况下为 N = 5。您可以通过将 max_attempts 参数传递给 client.transaction() 方法调用来控制此参数。