PHP 使用 FWRITE 和 SSH2 上传多个文件

PHP upload multiple files using FWRITE and SSH2

我正在尝试将多个文件从本地目录上传到 SFTP 站点。


$localFile_xml = "C:\xml\Race_" . $value; 

//This successfully lists the files
foreach (glob("*.xml") as $filename) {
    echo "$filename size " . filesize($filename) . "\n";

$remote_XMLfiles = "/FTP/XML/Race_" . $value;

$xmlstream = fopen("ssh2.sftp://$sftp" . $remote_XMLfiles, 'w');

foreach (glob("*.xml") as $filename) {
    $xmlfile = file_get_contents($localFile_xml);
    fwrite($xmlstream, $xmlfile);




假设远程 SSH 连接有效,并且您在问题中使用的方法适用于单个文件,我相信您的操作顺序需要更正。

正如我在评论中提到的,您的代码似乎试图在本地目录上使用 file_get_contents,这是不允许的。看起来您在 $xmlstream 上也尝试过相同的操作,这必须针对每个文件而不是目录执行。假设 'C:\xml\Race_' . $value; 是一个类似于 C:\xml\Race_1 的目录而不是文件。

资源验证的一些小问题和 Windows 需要解决的具体问题:

  • Windows 目录分隔符应该写成 \(即使当 使用单引号),因为 \ 是转义序列 它导致 \x \t \n \r \' \" \ 被视为特殊字符。

  • 当使用fopen($path, $mode)时,建议将b标志指定为模式的最后一个字符,以确保文件是 二进制安全 (verbatim) 并避免操作系统之间的歧义。或者在 Windows 上指定 t 模式以透明地将 \n 转换为 \r\n (仅适用于纯文本文件).

    • $mode = 'rb' (二进制安全读取)
    • $mode = 'rt' (文本模式翻译阅读)
  • 使用网络流时,建议测试流是否已成功写入其所有内容。我在 PHP 手册中提供了下面的 fwrite_stream 函数。


try {
    //--- example purposes only ---
    //use your own ssh2_connnect, ssh2_auth_password, ssh2_sftp
    if (!$ssh2 = ssh2_connect('', 22)) {
        throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to connect to remote host');
    if (!ssh2_auth_password($ssh2, 'root', '')) {
        throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to Authenticate');
    if (!$sftp = ssh2_sftp($ssh2)) {
        throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to initialize SFTP');

    $value = '1'; 
   //--- end example purposes only ---

    $localFile_xml = 'C:\xml\Race_' . $value;
    if (!$localFile_xml || !is_dir($localFile_xml)) {
        throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to retrieve local directory');

    //retrieve list of XML files
    $iterator = new \GlobIterator($localFile_xml . '/*.xml',
        \FilesystemIterator::KEY_AS_PATHNAME |
        \FilesystemIterator::CURRENT_AS_FILEINFO |
    if (!$iterator->count()) {
        throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to retrieve local files');

    $success = [];
    $remote_XMLfiles = '/FTP/XML/Race_' . $value;
    $remote_XMLpath = "ssh2.sftp://$sftp" . $remote_XMLfiles;

    //ensure the remote directory exists
    if (!@mkdir($remote_XMLpath, 0777, true) && !is_dir($remote_XMLpath)) {
        throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Unable to create remote directory "%s"', $remote_XMLpath));

     * @var string $filepath
     * @var \SplFileInfo $fileinfo
    foreach ($iterator as $filepath => $fileinfo) {
        $filesize = $fileinfo->getSize();
        printf("%s size %d\n", $filepath, $filesize);
        try {
            //open local file resource for binary-safe reading
            $xmlObj = $fileinfo->openFile('rb');
            //retrieve entire file contents
            if (!$xmlData = $xmlObj->fread($filesize)) {
                //do not permit empty files
                printf("No data found for \"%s\"\n", $filepath);
        } finally {
            //shortcut to close the opened local file resource on success or fail
            $xmlObj = null;

        try {
            $remote_filepath = $remote_XMLpath . '/' . $fileinfo->getBasename();
            //open a remote file resource for binary-safe writing
            //using current filename, overwriting the file if it already exists
            if (!$xmlstream = fopen($remote_filepath, 'wb')) {
                throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Unable to create remote file "%s"', $remote_filepath));
            //write the local file data to the remote file stream
            if (false !== ($bytes = fwrite_stream($xmlstream, $xmlData))) {
                $success[] = [
                    'filepath' => $filepath,
                    'remote_filepath' => $remote_filepath,
                    'bytes' => $bytes,
        } finally {
            //shortcut to ensure the xmlstream is closed on success or failure
            if (isset($xmlstream) && is_resource($xmlstream)) {

    //testing purposes only to show the resulting uploads
    if (!empty($success)) {
} finally {
    //shortcut to disconnect the ssh2 session on success or failure
    $sftp = null;
    if (isset($ssh2) && is_resource($ssh2)) {
 * Taken from PHP Manual
 * Writing to a network stream may end before the whole string is written.
 * Return value of fwrite() may be checked
function fwrite_stream($fp, $string)
    for ($written = 0, $writtenMax = strlen($string); $written < $writtenMax; $written += $fwrite) {
        $fwrite = fwrite($fp, substr($string, $written));
        if (false === $fwrite) {
            return $written;

    return $written;


All file operations will be created using the ssh2_auth_password user as the owner/group. You must ensure the specified user has read and write access to the desired directories.

Use the appropriate file masks to ensure desired file/directory permissions

  • 0777 (default) allows everyone to read, write, execute!
  • 0750 is typically desired for directories
  • 0640 is typically desired for individual files
  • use chmod($path, 0750) to change permissions on the remote file(s)
  • use chown($path, 'user') to change the owner on the remote file(s)
  • use chgrp($path, 'group') to change the group on the remote file(s)


C:\xml\Race_1\file1.xml size 9
C:\xml\Race_1\file2.xml size 11
array (
  0 =>
  array (
    'filepath' => 'C:\xml\Race_1\file1.xml',
    'remote_filepath' => 'ssh2.sftp://Resource id #5/FTP/XML/Race_1/file1.xml',
    'bytes' => 9,
  1 =>
  array (
    'filepath' => 'C:\xml\Race_1\file2.xml',
    'remote_filepath' => 'ssh2.sftp://Resource id #5/FTP/XML/Race_1/file2.xml',
    'bytes' => 11,