
How do I pick elements from two arrays such that their sum is minimum?

我有两个等长的数组,里面填满了整数(可以是正数也可以是负数,但绝不能为 0)。在每个索引处,我可以选择array1或array2中的元素,并且这些元素之和的绝对值应该是最小的。


a1 = [2, 2, 1]
a2 = [-3, -3, -4]


At index 0 : -3 from a2
At index 1 : 2 from a1
At index 2 : 1 from a1

因此,最终总和为 0。


  • 创建数组 b,其中 b[i] = a1[i] - a2[i]
  • sumA1 = a1.
  • 中每个元素的总和


Find a sub array from b, mark as c, mark its sum as sumC which should be closest to sumA1.

Or, you can also say it should have minimal Math.abs(sumC - sumA1).

BTW, if c is empty, it's also valid, which means choose all indices from a1.

那么这道题和这道题类似:Given an input array find all subarrays with given sum K


然后,回到 OP 的问题:

  • b 中选择的任何索引都用于 a2
  • b 中未选择的所有索引均用于 a1
import itertools as iter
a = [a1, a2]
p = len(a1)
idx_to_pick = min(iter.product(*([[0, 1]]*p)), 
                  key=lambda b: abs(sum([a[i][j] for i, j in zip(b, range(p))])))

此代码建议选择 a1[0] + a1[1] + a2[2] = 2 + 2 + (-4),与 OP 的选择不同,但也是正确的。

更新 每个 OP 对该答案的评论中的后续问题:

import itertools as iter
a1 = [2, 2, 1]
a2 = [-3, -3, -4]
a = [a1, a2]
p = len(a1)

def obj_func(b):
    arr = [a[i][j] for i, j in zip(b, range(p))]
    return sum([x for x in arr if x > 0]) + abs(sum(arr))

idx_to_pick = min(iter.product(*([[0, 1]]*p)), key=obj_func)

有了新的objective功能,仍然有多种解决方案。它可以是 (-3, 2, 1) 或 (2, -3, 1)

这是一个动态规划解决方案,它找到 pos + abs(neg + pos) 的最小值(根据 OP 的更新)并打印一个候选解决方案。我们需要将总和和正整数之和都保存为 dp 状态以找到最小值。我不确定我们是否可以在没有 pos 维度的情况下解决它。时间复杂度为 O(#elements * (sum of absolute values of elements)^2)。当然,如果个体数非常大,这不是一个可行的解决方案。在这种情况下,当元素数量为 ~20.

a1 = [2, 1, 1, -1] 
a2 = [-1, -2, -2, -4]
memo = {}   # to store dp state
nxt = {}    # for reconstructing path

def foo(a1, a2, index, total, pos):
    if index == len(a1):
        return pos + abs(total)
    if (index, total, pos) in memo:
        return memo[(index, total, pos)]

    # take from first array
    if a1[index] > 0:
        r1 = foo(a1, a2, index+1, total + a1[index], pos+a1[index])
        r1 = foo(a1, a2, index+1, total + a1[index], pos)

    # take from second array
    if a2[index] > 0:
        r2 = foo(a1, a2, index+1, total + a2[index], pos+a2[index])
        r2 = foo(a1, a2, index+1, total + a2[index], pos)

    # save path taken at this step
    if r1 < r2:
        nxt[index] = 0
        nxt[index] = 1

    memo[index, total, pos] = min(r1, r2)
    return min(r1, r2)

print('minimum sum:', foo(a1, a2, 0, 0, 0))   # minimum sum: 2
# path reconstruction
path = []
node = 0
while node < len(a1):
    node += 1
print('path:', path)   # path: [1, 0, 0, 0]