我如何找出计划属于哪个 tab/location?

How do I find out which tab/location a Plan falls under?

我正在尝试使用 Microsoft Graph 创建 Microsoft 团队网站的完整克隆,方法是对团队网站进行基本克隆,然后使用 API 复制和配置所有内容。

我的第一个任务是复制 Planner。我已经足够复制所有可用的计划、桶和任务了。


1) 这个tab/location计划属于旧团队

2) 如何把新计划放到tab/location新团队

public async Task<IEnumerable<Channel>> GetChannels(string accessToken, string teamId) {

    string endpoint = $"{GraphRootUri}/teams/{teamId}/channels";
    HttpResponseMessage response =
        await ServiceHelper.SendRequest(HttpMethod.Get, endpoint, accessToken); //old functionality of stolen method - ignore these two lines

    string destinationTeamID = "Teamid";

    //find all plans
    endpoint = $"{GraphRootUri}/groups/{teamId}/planner/plans";
    HttpResponseMessage responsePlans = await ServiceHelper.SendRequest(HttpMethod.Get, endpoint, accessToken);
    var plansIn = await ParseList<Planner>(responsePlans);

    //the following two sections are just me seeing if I can find references to the plans
    endpoint = $"{GraphRootUri}/teams/{teamId}/channels";
    HttpResponseMessage responseChannels = await ServiceHelper.SendRequest(HttpMethod.Get, endpoint, accessToken);
    var inChannels = await responseChannels.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

    endpoint = $"{GraphRootUri}/teams/{teamId}/channels/mychannellocation/tabs";
    HttpResponseMessage responseTabs = await ServiceHelper.SendRequest(HttpMethod.Get, endpoint, accessToken);
    var inTabs = await responseTabs.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

    //the following code copies the plans, buckets and tasks
    foreach (Planner plan in plansIn) {

        //first we get everything from the previous team plan

        //grab tasks from the previous plan
        endpoint = $"{GraphRootUri}/planner/plans/{plan.id}/tasks";
        HttpResponseMessage responseTasks = await ServiceHelper.SendRequest(HttpMethod.Get, endpoint, accessToken);
        var inTasks = await ParseList<plannerTask>(responseTasks);

        //get all buckets
        endpoint = $"{GraphRootUri}/planner/plans/{plan.id}/buckets";
        HttpResponseMessage responseBuckets = await ServiceHelper.SendRequest(HttpMethod.Get, endpoint, accessToken);
        var inBuckets = await ParseList<plannerBucket>(responseBuckets);

        endpoint = $"{GraphRootUri}/planner/tasks";
        //HttpResponseMessage responseTasks = await ServiceHelper.SendRequest(HttpMethod.Get, endpoint, accessToken);
        //  .content .Deserialize<plannerPlan>(); ;

        //then we start to create everything in the new team
        //create the plan in the new team
        endpoint = $"{GraphRootUri}/planner/plans";
        var sendPlanResponse =
            await ServiceHelper.SendRequest(HttpMethod.Post, endpoint, accessToken, new plannerStub(plan, destinationTeamID));
        var newPlanString = await sendPlanResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
        //get the created plan
        var newPlan = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Planner>(newPlanString);

        //create buckets in the new team
        Dictionary<string, string> bucketIdMap = new Dictionary<string, string>();
        foreach (plannerBucket bucket in inBuckets) {
            endpoint = $"{GraphRootUri}/planner/buckets";
            var outBucket = new plannerBucketStub(bucket, newPlan.id);
            var sendBucketResponse =
                await ServiceHelper.SendRequest(HttpMethod.Post, endpoint, accessToken, new plannerStub(plan, destinationTeamID));
            //get the created Bucket
            var newBucket = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<plannerBucket>(await sendPlanResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());
            bucketIdMap[bucket.id] = newBucket.id; //so we can send the tasks to our new bucket


        //create tasks in the new team
        foreach (plannerTask task in inTasks) {
            endpoint = $"{GraphRootUri}/planner/tasks";
            task.bucketId = bucketIdMap[task.bucketId];
            task.planId = newPlan.id;
            var sendBucketResponse = await ServiceHelper.SendRequest(HttpMethod.Post, endpoint, accessToken, task);


        //put planner in appropriate tab - stuck at this point
        endpoint = $"{GraphRootUri}/teams/{newPlan.id}/channels/";




我最好的猜测是使用规划器的 'contexts',但我找不到任何关于此的文档。有谁知道如何解决这个问题?编辑。我试过使用上下文无效,我正式迷路了。

顺便说一句,如果有人找到了一个代码存储库,它可以完整克隆 Microsoft Teams 网站,而我一直找不到,请告诉我


在 Teams 和 Planner 集成中,指向计划的链接由 Teams 维护,因此最好的办法是查看那里是否可以在某处找到计划 ID。不幸的是,我不熟悉这些 API。

在 Planner 上,有两个可选属性可帮助导航回 Teams。首先是 Plan 的上下文,其中包含 "displayNameSegments" 属性。这应该匹配 team/channel 名称结构。第二个是 PlanDetails 上的 contextDetails,其中包含团队的 URL。这些属性仅在测试版中可用。不能保证一定会填写,而且可能不准确。


您可以通过解析 /v1.0/teams/{group-id}/channels/{channel-id}/tabs 返回的结果来检测频道选项卡的位置。结果 teamsTab array 将以相反的顺序包含选项卡(第一个选项卡最后):

  "@odata.context": "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/$metadata#teams('{{id}}')/channels('{id}')/tabs",
  "value": [
      "id": "{id}",
      "displayName": "Tab #2",
      "webUrl": "{url}",
      "configuration": {
        "entityId": null,
        "contentUrl": null,
        "removeUrl": null,
        "websiteUrl": null,
        "wikiTabId": 1,
        "wikiDefaultTab": true,
        "hasContent": false
      "id": "{id}",
      "displayName": "Tab #1",
      "webUrl": "{url}",
      "configuration": {
        "entityId": "{plan-id}",
        "contentUrl": "{url}",
        "removeUrl": "{url}",
        "websiteUrl": "{url}",
        "dateAdded": "2019-02-04T17:38:11.079Z"

请记住,对话和文件实际上并不是选项卡,它们的位置是固定的。因此,两者都不会出现在 /tabs 结果中。您的代码应该假设您的 Tab 键顺序实际上从 UI 中的第 3 个 Tab 键位置开始。

设置 Tab 位置

为了复制固定标签的顺序,您需要add the tabs in the order you want them. If you need to reorder existing tabs, you'll need to first remove them并按照您想要的顺序重新创建它们。